#livewithrollis Podcast

Ways to Optimize Your Company Profile on Job Boards

Rollis Fontenot III Season 1 Episode 1

This episode taken from my live show talks about ways to optimize your company profile on major job boards like Indeed that will help your jobs to be more attractive to your audience.

I also discuss why organizations receive more applicants from the largest job boards versus your career site or niche job boards.

We also cover why certain important details are missed.

We also discuss other interesting scenarios or questions regarding finding top talent or new opportunities.

Prepare to answer some of my questions as you listen in as well.

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Rollis Fontenot III:

Today is gonna be kind of a different show, this is kind of kind of unscheduled. But I'm gonna walk you through if you're in recruitment, or you have a small business where you're looking to hire, and you're a hiring manager, any type of business where you're, you're actively trying to fill positions and bring folks in who are looking for jobs. So we're talking about active candidates, today, we're gonna do it the first part of our show, then the second part of our show, we're gonna make it a little more fun, and I'm gonna make it interactive, since a lot of people are just kind of already thinking about, you know, all their plans over the next week, and just kind of mentally there, we're gonna, we're gonna, we're gonna actually let you do that slowly through the rest of my show, where I ask some questions, and we kind of communicate with each other, those in the comments, we'll be able to kind of communicate with each other and see each other's comments, and we'll have a little fun. So the second part is going to be fun. The first part is I'll make it as fun as I can, but I'm gonna walk you through what I think will help. So you can have your jobs out there, because there are going to be a lot of people who are going to be looking for jobs, okay, over the next week. So you might as well have your your profile looking as best as it possibly can. So when people do look for jobs, they're able to see your profile and and act on your job. Now, one of the first things I want to say is that when you have your job, make sure it's formatted in a way that's pleasing to the eye. Now, whatever is pleasing to your eye is probably going to be pleasing to the other person's eye. People don't want to see the copy paste anymore, they don't want to see copy paste of a job description. You may have heard me talk about that before, you want to make sure it's formatted, where it's easy. On the eyes, you've got, you've got bold, you've got normal texts, you've got bullet points, you have short sentences, you don't have long sentences, your bullets are probably no more than two lines at the most in most cases or one line. So make it very easy to scroll and read. And make sure that your job talks more about what it offers than what it requires. Because usually what it requires most applicants no generally with that type of job will require and you do want to have information that lends itself to that. But at the same time, you don't want to spend so much time talking about what it requires. And you're not really giving them an idea of what the job offers. Okay. So great. We've already got quite a few folks that are coming in. I love it. Okay, so I'm actually able to see some of these, Joe, I'm able to see that. Let's see, I got Alicia's here. Of course, you're here, Joe. I got Jonathan here. And Joe, you're going to help me with the comments as we go along. If anybody has questions, feel free and put those questions in the chat. And we're going to communicate, we're gonna have fun, we're gonna ask, ask some crazy questions as we go along. Now, before I bring up my screen to show you what I'm going to do next, to show you how to optimize your company profile, I have a question for you to get started, okay, if your name were given as the description for any one word in the dictionary, and behind that word, people would find your name. For example, let's say for hilarious, and your name is john smith, it would be hilarious. And then john smith. So if there's a word in the dictionary, that basically having your name would define what that word means. I wouldn't know what that word is, what is it? Hey, Laura Charles. Okay. All right. So as we go on, Joe, I'm gonna have you read some of those responses, as they tell us what, what, what their, what their word would be in the dictionary, that their name would basically define that word. Okay. So what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna show you my screen, I'm gonna share my screen where you can see what I'm doing. Now, those of you who have have used indeed, before, you're probably very familiar with this, you may or may not be familiar with the, with the employer side. So I'm going to show you that from the employer perspective. Okay, so I'm going to give you an example. This is, I tried to find I want to find a clean profile. So this is a clean profile we have. And I want to show you what the company page, that the type of options you have to really make your profile pop where it was, someone is looking at your jobs, they click on the company description, they can see that you're you've really to put some work into your, your company profile, and what you want to offer and things of that nature. So let me show you an example of that. So once you're logged in, you can go where it says company Settings, then when you go to company settings, you go to in this case, company page. And then when you have a claim profile, it looks like this. So when you're looking at this profile, there's lots of things you can add to make this profile live. And one of the things you can add, of course, would be like your logo, your logos, and why join our company. So yes, your logo is important. So you want to add your logo, you also want to add why join us. Now once you go to that page, you're going to have an option here where it says claim your profile, it'll say claimed profile. So it says claim profile that you can just proceed If you haven't claimed your profile yet, you just gonna have to go through a process where you got to verify your email address. Once you verify your email address, you're going to be able to do the rest of the things I'm going to show you. So things like your header image, you can choose your logo, you can choose different types of logo. So when it's just a square part, just like on LinkedIn, if it's a squirrel logo versus your full logo, you'll be able to choose that. But here's what's really cool I want to show you, this is where you really want to make sure that you're optimizing your profile is this section here, your custom content you're about and your links. So taking the information from your web page and copying pasted here, which I will do momentarily. also taking your top videos. Now Joe is going to send me her, she's going to send me our video links. I don't know if maybe you can get that from her. Joe. Joanne was actually doing that she pulled up the video links, if you can have her send you the links and put it in the zoom chat, I'll be able to pull those or if she can slack it to me, I got my slack open either one of those. And then we'll get it up on it. But it needs to be the YouTube version of the links. Okay, so let me pull those up. So let's say we go to the HR Maximizer section, this is let's say this is your, your profile, I would say just really quick and simple. Just go to your page, your web page and take some some text from there. Like I'm just going to take all this right here. And you can always, you know, tweak it and make it better. I'm just want to show you just a quick, easy way to put things about your company. Okay, just to fill in the space for now. Okay, so this, this has to do my short one. Save. Okay, so now I'm starting to build it out. I've got my about section. And then it's going to ask me to also put in my videos, if I do that here, I can put videos. And I can put images here as well as text. So I can add custom content. And I would suggest to fill out your video section. So if you got any videos, go ahead and place your videos there. So they'll be able to see what's going on. So, Joe, you can go ahead and start chiming in on some of the comments have been made so far.

Johanna Bateman:

Yes. Okay. So, um, I want to make sure we got everyone we have. Sorry. In the background.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Catalina. We have

Johanna Bateman:

Charles Carson. Alicia Lada Lilian Flores Patti wit. So Patti saying hello. She's coming in from Alabama. Alicia said a cheerleader.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Oh, nice. Yes, I think that fits. I really do. Alicia is a cheerleader. So that's that's, that's very apropos like that. Okay, is that we got for now?

Johanna Bateman:


Rollis Fontenot III:

All right. So let me go to I'm going to go to our library on YouTube here and I'll find a link or two that we can do. Has Joe sent you the link yet? I forgot to ask her to do that.

Johanna Bateman:

Um, I am trying to get that right now.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Yeah, sorry about that. I'm gonna send her that message as well. Okay, so, actually, you know what, I think I found one of them here. Oh, yeah. I think I found them. Oh, yes. Okay, let me show you guys on screen. I think I found them. Joe. I think we're good. So here are the videos, I want to pull these videos, right. So I take this video here. And I can get a shareable link. Okay, so I take that, and then I go back to here. And then I'm going to add, here's one of the videos he has to be a YouTube Well, that's why I mentioned that. So the title is why you should trust us, okay. Put the embed link there, and it's save. Okay. Now, let's say I just want to see my work so far. So let me take a look at it really fast. Look at that. Look at that, huh? So we got the about HR Maximizer sections there, we have the why you should trust us. So if someone goes to the indeed profile, they can just hit play, and start watching the video. So if you've got some videos on YouTube for your company, you can set them up on this page and have 10 up to 10 videos, you can have one here. Another thing that's good, of course, you know, obviously you want to get reviews. So one of the things that you know, indeed and Glassdoor is the same way about this, you can ask people to review you just can't ask for a positive review. You just have to ask for a review. So you know word to the wise ask ask people who actually like working there. And then you can ask them for a view of your company. salaries. You have that there. You've got the photos, you can add photos. You can upload different photos, maybe team photos you have maybe there was some of it. You did last year together, maybe you can do some zoom pictures, but pictures of your team doing zoom together and maybe having a nice little polls what we're actually doing that tomorrow. And then of course, you have a section for your jobs where you have your jobs listed out. Now, if your jobs aren't showing up, you can link up with them to adjust and make sure you give them what your 80 s link is. There's another setting inside indeed, you can actually do it self serve, you can actually adjust those there. But anyway, indeed works. If you're not familiar, they pull your jobs from your website, so you shouldn't have to do anything. And then, of course, you could post additional jobs here as well. So the reason I'm showing indeed, it's the most popular site like this, this is similar on a lot of the other sites, you will be able to do some customization, some may or may not be able to accommodate your videos. I know for sure indeed does. That's when we use quite a bit, because they do allow you to put the videos there. There's a q&a section, if you want to ask a question and answer it, you could do that if it's a frequently asked question. So this, this is a nice little thing to really kind of explore and look at go. So don't just post your jobs, and have indeed pulled them actually go in and and customize your profile page is what we highly recommend. So as you can see, it's very easy to add videos as well. What is what I want to ask all of you who are on this today? What job boards Do you use when you're looking for a job? And then also what jobs do you use when you're posting a job? I'd like to hear all those different choices. So far, and maybe you can let me know where you are in the process right now. Are you in the process where you're looking for your next opportunity? Are you in the process where you're looking to add teammates, you're looking to grow your team? I love to hear about that in the comments as well. Okay, so I've got a question for you. Imagine this while on a job interview. you accidentally knock an entire cup of coffee all over the desk, but not on the interviewer. Would you rather that scenario or spill a little bit on the interviews? pants but not all over the desk? That's a tough one there. Okay, which one would you rather all over the desk? Not the interviewer or spill a little bit on the interviewers pants but not all over the desk. If you had to choose which one would you go with speaking of jobs. Okay, so another thing you want to look at when you're looking at jobs, and actually I'll show you what a completed one looks like. Just to kind of give you an idea, this is a very good one here and we'll show you when it's filled out. This is when we you know we help to help them with customize with when they're filled out, see how that looks. Looks really nice. You got all the information there more information as needed. You got your jobs filled out, you have all the different roles, you have reviews, they're all that's there. And then if they want a little bit more information, which a lot of people will, they're gonna click why join us? Nice banner photo, and then we have several videos. So and so this is this is how it looks like when it's all filled out. So this, you know, this is what you this is the kind of look you want to have when folks go to your website fully filled out. Hopefully that helps you. Okay, so what do we have as far as responses as far as what job boards people are using?

Johanna Bateman:

So Charles said, Indeed LinkedIn and zip recruiter. Okay. Felicia said, looking like LinkedIn, LinkedIn, indeed, and higher ad, I'm in the process of being open minded to opportunities that present themselves to me. And Patti said I would rather all over the desk, it would give me it would give them a good idea of what to expect from me on the regular anyway. Alicia says spill it all over the desk because I'm going to laugh and probably think to myself, the interviewer is either anxious or nervous because I'm coming and confident. lol again.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Okay. All right. So yeah, like, so we got some improvisers here. Okay. I like that. So one of the things I do want to I want to pick up on what Alicia said, she says she's being open. I love the idea of being open because you never know where it's you never know where that opportunity is gonna come from. There's a good chance it may not even come from a job board. I mean, this is just one of those boxes, you kind of have to check right and when you do look for a job, you want there to be inventory. I kind of liken it to it this way. When it comes to job boards. It's one of those situations where when you decide to go to a certain store, your expectation is that store is going to have the inventory when you get there what you want, because it's very, it's deflating, it's disappointing and you go the trouble of getting in your car. You drive out to the store to get what you need, and they're out of stock, they don't have it. So it can be, it can very be very discouraging. As a shopper as a customer, it's the same way with jobs, if you go to a job board, and they don't have inventory, they don't have enough jobs, they don't have enough jobs that fit your profile or what you're looking for, then it can be discouraging. So that's why we have lean more towards the job boards to have a much bigger, wider inventory. That leaves less room for disappointment on the jobs that you're looking for. But at the same time, I like what Alicia said, because she says being open to opportunities, which open opportunities may actually may actually present themselves right here on LinkedIn. You know, whenever you are communicating with people, for whatever reason, maybe you're commenting on someone's posts, or they're commenting on your posts, and liking it and you're interacting with each other's content. You never know what other eyeballs may see that they see the interactions and then they get involved in discussion. And lo and behold, now you have a relationship, a new relationship with the person that was third party that now has become come into your network, so to speak. And they may actually be the one that connects you with your next job when they see your profile. Oh, wow. You know, see, Alicia, I see she's implementation consultant for I think it's her Alliance, right. And I see she does this work, and oh, yeah, I saw her on the live show. I really liked her. I liked her response. You know, like her energy. She's like a cheerleader. Like what Lisa said, I like what she's done. So I think she's going to be great for this role we have here. And as a job, you weren't even thinking a little bit, you wouldn't even think of looking for that job. He was not you're not on indeed looking for that job. But lo and behold, that job found you because of you, you kept yourself open. So I liked it. That's a great, that's a great way to look at things. Okay. Do we have any other other responses on the questions? Because I got a new one.


Right now.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Okay. So I have a new question for you. What moment? Can you think about this in your life? What moment in your life changed the way you look at life? Think about that one moment, change the way you look at life? Now just see something from Oh, Charles, he says, He says this is embarrassing. My company page has never been claimed. Have to chat with my marketing team. Yeah, you know, it's sometimes it's the most simple things, you know, we miss. I like les Brown's famous quote, he says hard to see the picture when you're in the frame. So sometimes we're in the frame, there's a certain details that we just missed, it's, it's maybe obvious to someone else. So that's one of those boxes that sometimes teams forget to check. But ultimately, it's hrs responsibility to make sure that those boxes are checked, right. So the marketing team, they have their own set of priorities. And those set of priorities don't necessarily align with hrs. That's that's not a, that's maybe it's not the politically correct thing to say. But I mean, at the end of the day, the marketing team is there, usually to bring in patients, they're not there to bring in employees. So they will help they will help you. But just know that that's not generally what their their main focus is. So they're going to miss things like that. It's just, that's just part of it. That's why a lot of companies will bring us in to help out on the HR side, because our focus is 100% on the HR side. So that's sometimes the plus and minuses of it being part of what the recruitment, I'm sorry, the marketing team does because the marketing team's main goal is to bring in patients therefore revenue into the hospital, not necessarily bring in more employees. So it's good when HR gets actively involved, like what you're doing, Charles, you're to be commended for that. I'm missing some comments because they've already kind of scrolled through Joe, can you kind of help me with that?

Johanna Bateman:

Yes. So Charles said, This is embarrassing. My company page has never been cleaned. I'll have to chat with my marketing team.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Yeah, yeah, that was that one I just read through was after that cuz I caught that one. What were some of the others a couple others after that I may have missed.

Johanna Bateman:

Sorry. I have someone howling behind me.

Rollis Fontenot III:

That's, that's our that's our other co host Catalina.

Johanna Bateman:

Patty said Glasser has become one of my more favorite job boards, okay. And Alicia said, I practice meditation and I set an intention to learn from every experience some time, it's a job, but sometimes I learned about a new job I didn't know that I was even qualified for. Oh, I

Rollis Fontenot III:

love that. That's so good. Yes, having the intention to learn from experience. I love that.

Johanna Bateman:

And Patti says my profile seems to be most seen and easily found on LinkedIn, though. There have been many moments that have changed my life to many big moments to just choose one or two. Charles said the birth of his children And Alicia said multiple big moments that changed her life.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Okay, I love it. This is great. This is great interaction. Okay. So going back to let's see, Patti. She said something earlier that was that struck me what read hers again. I'm trying to think what what is right after relations?


I'm sorry.

Rollis Fontenot III:

What was the one right after Alisha's that Patti had said,

Johanna Bateman:

Oh, where is she said that her profile seems to be seen mostly on LinkedIn.

Rollis Fontenot III:

One before that. Oh, I know what it was. I don't know what it was Glassdoor. She mentioned Glassdoor. So why is it that you like Glassdoor more, give me some some feedback? Pat, I'd love to hear that. Why is Glassdoor your favorite by the way? Guys? I don't know if you know this, but the same company that owes owns indeed actually owns Glassdoor actually owns both companies. They own indeed, Glassdoor Simply Hired and some other companies that I don't remember the name because they're smaller. But I was I was actually surprised to find that out a little bit after the deal happened. But yeah, that's it's been actually in place for a while. So I want to find out Patti, what's your what like, what's your main reason why you like Glassdoor? I would love to hear that. Okay. And I see Lisa. Lisa said howling is good. Yeah, if you guys saw Catalina, you guys would be in love with her. She's She's such a beautiful, beautiful child. Anyway. Okay, so read the next one. What other Oh, Charles has good advice. He likes to advice. Thanks. Thank you, Charles. So what's the other one we got? Am I missing anything?

Jonathan Rios:

There's one more it's a good afternoon. This is from Kendra. The moment that changed the way I look at life is me stepping out of on faith and relocating into my hometown with my children in Austin without knowing anyone in the area. It allowed me to truly tap into my strength.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Oh, yeah. Okay. Congratulations, you Kendra. That's great. So you're so you made that made that step of faith. And it's interesting, because I remember you and I, we met in Houston. Not that long ago. So you moved from Houston to Austin. So congratulations on your move. Wow. Okay. So yeah, we'd love to hear how that progresses as you get yourself acclimated to the area. And have you already found work there? Are you? Have you already found work or employment there? If not, let's let's kind of connect and use our network to see if we can help with that. Definitely. Okay. Wonderful. Okay, I have another question for you guys. And we can if you have any questions in regards to optimizing your company profile, or opera, optimizing your personal profile, to either find a find a candidate or to find an employer, definitely put those questions in the comments was this discuss that let's help each other as a community here. We're going to help each other here. So I have a Would you rather question for you? Would you rather be unable to stand up for yourself? Or never know when to back down? Which one? Which one of those would you have to go with based on your personality? Would you rather be unable to stand up for yourself or never know when to back down? Okay, now, while while I'm waiting for answers for that, I'm gonna give you a cup, just a few tips just to kind of review what's going to make your company profile look better, because I did talk about what goes on the job in your company profile, you want to really give the viewer the person is looking at it. a feel for what's important to your company. What is your company trying to accomplish? What do they do? They also want to know things like what awards have you offered, so I'm going to use my healthcare experience for a second. Things that nurses have told me, for example, which nurses By the way, guys are very hard positions to fill with experienced nurses, because it's such a shortage right now. So some of the things they like to look for is, you know, what is the mission of the of the organization, they like to see what types of services that they offer, it's very important for a nurse to see that even if they're not going to work in that department. They want to know what services it offers. They want to get a feel for the type of organization is in for in terms of technology and moving forward. They want to see things that show innovation, career progression. They want to see things that show growth. They also want to see things like awards that you've won, like if you're a magnet hospital or a hospital has won some type of award, they want to see that. Those are the types of things you're going to want to have on your profile. You're also going to want to have a measure of that on your job posting. Why do I say so? Well, Ross, why would you duplicate the same information. The problem is, is a lot of times people are using these platforms in a way with a manual not be able to get to your company page, they may not be able to have a senior career site. So it's better to have as much information as relevant as possible. On the job posting itself. we've tracked the numbers and roughly 70 to 80%. In some and some, some places who don't advertise that much, it may be as much as 90 plus percent of their candidates come from a job board, and they come strictly from the job posting. So although we want to put effort in customizing the profile, make them look good. We want to put effort in customizing the career site, just know that a lot of organizations rely on job boards for about 70 to 90% of their of their applicants. And I'll give you a real story. There's a nonprofit organization in the area where I live, they have several 1000 employees. So it's not a small organization. And their website doesn't work for the career site. Now. Now, the actual website for the company works. But when you go to their career site, it doesn't work. The only way it works is if you have I think Internet Explorer, okay, now, the last time I checked on our numbers, roughly like five to 10% of people use Internet Explorer. Something like 30 35%, use Safari, another 30 35%, use Chrome. And then the remainder is going to be you know, it's going to be divided up between a lot of the smaller internet browsers. But most people are using either Chrome or Safari, this is facing this way. If they're on if they're on Google products, they're going to use Chrome. If they're using iOS, Apple products, they're using their own Safari, some, some some, some iOS, Apple users do use Chrome as well, obviously. But we're talking 70 to 90% of the traffic is coming from there. So you know, if you if you're, if your website is not optimized for Safari, and Chrome, your website, basically, for lack of a better term just doesn't work. So the reason why the company and other companies don't necessarily spend a lot of time fixing it, is because they still have candidates that come in, and sometimes more than enough, where are they getting them from? Well, certainly not from their career site. They're getting it from the job boards. And so this can go on for a long period of time, and the company may not even be aware of it. So that's how powerful the job boards are right now, where most of their candidates are coming from job boards directly. That means they don't see the career site never even looked at it. And they may not have seen the company profile. But is it still worth it to have a working career site? Absolutely. Because there are a percentage of people who will go to the career site. And if the career site doesn't work, what would you do? Well, you probably like a lot of other people, you would just move on to the next employer. And same way on the on the indeed as well. You may not go to the next employer, but you probably will be less likely to put as much effort in that job search if compared to one where they did have it fully filled out, give the information you need. Okay, so what are some answers that we have so far? And our questions here?

Jonathan Rios:

Sorry, yeah. So going back on, Patti actually talked about clustering, and she said Glassdoor seems to be the best resource to find out information on company ratings and surveys. Also, I think that functionality is a little simpler, since a new window opens rather than taking over the current window. Plus, my favorite color is green. Kendra also said that I'm currently in Houston. And then Patty said, I would rather never know when to go down or back down.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Okay. All right.

Jonathan Rios:

So far.

Rollis Fontenot III:

So knowing Patty, that doesn't surprise me. Okay, the option she chose. She definitely knows how to speak speak up for herself. Okay. I liked it. I liked the feedback on Glassdoor because that is interesting about Glassdoor and that you like the color which is cool that greens a nice color. And like the functionality of it better? I think, you know, I want to I think I want to agree with you on that too. And I think that that vision glass door is definitely visually I think more appealing than indeed d&d is definitely has less bells and whistles. Now, I mean, we look at search engines. I mean, Google's the same way. It's incredibly simplistic, but I think a lot of people still drawn to it. I'm not sure if it's because it's simplistic or just because it works on so many devices so easily, maybe, I don't know. But I like your I like your feedback. It's very good feedback on it not also that you said not doesn't take over your current window, it creates a new window, which is also interesting. I've seen some workarounds for people who are using indeed I actually Shout out a couple of nurses that they would actually create, like a new tab for the different windows. And so they figured out a workaround. But I think it's I think it's interesting that you've you've you've noticed the functionality between both of them. And you ended up deciding to go to a different job board versus dealing with the, with the inferiority of the indeed, platform when it comes to viewing jobs. So I think it's interesting. Oh, and I am able to see, Charles has never backed down. So he picks the same one is as Patty, which is good. Okay, and then Alicia, Alicia says I find Glassdoor to be honest about what to expect with a job. Ah, that's a good one, too. That's right, they do have a good feature where you can see if those of you who aren't familiar with this, it gives you not only the salary information, but they also talk about the interview process, how good the interview process was, so that that is definitely an advantage. Now, just so you know, if as an employer, if you're advertising a job, that indeed has probably about two to three times, maybe four times the reach of Glassdoor a lot more visitors on the indeed site than on the Glassdoor site, doesn't necessarily mean means better. But it does definitely has a lot more views, more traffic. But it might be the case that with Glassdoor perhaps the traffic is more of the candidates that you're looking for. I want to use for lack of a better term, higher quality candidates, you know, and I say high quality, not that the other people aren't high quality, but they just may be a closer match for the jobs that you're posting. So it may be that the Glassdoor? I would I would suggest to do both, I would suggest to do both platforms don't just do one. And because I think they both offer tremendous value between them. Okay, and then. So as far as other tips for optimizing your profile, you know, I talked about videos, make sure you have videos. And if you do have videos, make sure they aren't too long. make them less than two minutes. If you have them. Make sure those videos do talk about things like and you can tell me in the comments, do you agree with this, if the job has the potential hiring manager in one of the videos, possibly if it shows some of your possible workmates. This is feedback I've gotten from other candidates. So the nurses, they like to see the equipment, perhaps the rooms that they'll be working in and the equipment that are in those rooms. They like to see interactions between team members, or one physician I talked to said I'd love to see what a meeting looks like when it goes on, you can tell a lot about body language and how folks are looking at each other and everything. So she says to do that. So we actually since he's had that we've done that we've we've we've actually had situations where we have them kind of reenact a meeting, or sometimes we will actually show footage of an actual meeting, we just wouldn't record the audio. And it's been incredibly useful. In the videos, I had one nurse, just tell me just flat out Tell me bluntly, like, I don't really care what the waiting room looks like, I don't really care that much what the outside of the house what looks like, I'm more concerned about where I'll be working with those rooms or like what the equipment is like what the team is like that I'll be working with. That's what I'm more concerned about. And that's what I want to see in a video. Okay, so let's see, Alicia says I like the features of indeed, especially the new assessments. Oh, actually, I'm not as familiar with the new assessments, I'd love to hear what is now when you say assessments, maybe I am familiar with it. Are you talking about when you apply for a job, and then it comes comes back and asks you a series of questions. That maybe it's like clinical judgment, or, you know, programming or whatever the questions are related to the job you're applying for. And it figures out how good of a fit you are for that job. Are you talking about those types of assessments because I think I am familiar with those. And that is a nice feature we do. We do actually use those from time to time, especially when we have situations where people apply for jobs where they're just like clicking the buttons are not really like qualified for it. And they're just clicking and then and then so when you when you put the assessments in there, it kind of filters some of those folks out and that they do extremely well on those. The hiring managers can see those those results. So is that what you're talking about the with the assessments. Okay, another question for you. What book has had the greatest impact on the way you think, or live? Or your business life? What do you think? What book do you think has had the greatest impact on that? To know okay, I want to ask you guys some questions we are required to our shows coming up for 2021 we are looking at having several upcoming extra a couple of new shows. We're gonna Of course continue with live with with Leah, talent Tuesday. We're going to continue with live with Noel on Wednesdays I believe. And we're also going to have my shows, I was gonna just have a Monday, Thursday and a Friday show. But we're actually working on two new shows. One for Tuesday, one for Wednesday, Tuesday will be more kind of like this recruitment tips, having conversations asking questions to the audience. It'll be recruitment marketing, it'll be recruitment tips. It will be recruitment tech. So he's kind of like this may not have any guests. It's just that my guests are you in the audience as commenters. And then on Thursday, or Wednesday, excuse me Wednesday. We used to have a show called wonderful Wednesday, but we're rebranding that. And we're going to have a show possibly called HR Wednesday, or HR wisdom Wednesday. But it's it's all about HR, and we're going to have HR leaders and professionals on the Wednesday show. A lot of them will be in healthcare, but not necessarily all will be in healthcare. And that'll be on Wednesday. So it'd be Monday would continue to be growth Monday, which we have now. Tuesday talent Tuesday, would also the tips show that I'm talking about where I would be on it, and then Leah will be on later in the day. And then we also have one, possibly on Wednesday, that features HR and communicating with those folks and interviewing HR professionals from throughout the United States. And then on Thursday, continue to have Thursday Roundtable. But here's the cool thing about Thursday roundtable and about our Wednesday show, as well as Tuesday, we will be able to offer Sherm credit. So for those of you who are part of Sherm or have the Sherm designation and you want to continue to recertify, get an urn pdcs, we'll be able to issue those we're also working on that with hrci, as well as ashra as well, because they have a CH h r designation. So we may actually be able to add those those are not sure yet, but we're already approved, for sure. And so we'll be able to offer that we used to just do it for our conferences, we're looking to do it on a weekly basis. Two shows a week will likely be eligible for Sherm credits. And then we will still have the, by the way, on Thursday, we'll be talking about health care mainly. They won't necessarily be HR, but it will be healthcare most likely. Most sometimes we will touch on other industries, but mostly HR. And then Friday, we will have fun and games Friday, but not every week. We're looking at possibly having it on once a month on fun and games Friday. And the reason why is it becomes a little bit challenging. Because each show we have six people on each show. We're running into issues with being able to staff the show with six on a weekly basis, with so many different different schedules and all that. And it's much easier to orchestrate one show of six guests that are hard to orchestrate four shows of 2424 guests, or 3230 3224 24. Yeah, four, four shows have 24 guests. So give me all your comments, your thoughts or feedback on that. What are you thinking or what I just shared with you? Let's go through the comments. If you don't mind, Jonathan, let me know cuz I'm sure I'll probably miss quite a few here.

Jonathan Rios:

Yeah, so there's actually a lot of the lever or with Patti says they do use indeed in LinkedIn as well. I have found zip recruiter and monster to be fairly useless. I have not even been able to find a way to look for remote positions on monster and zip recruiter is extremely clunky, clunky. And then Alicia says they have these new mini evaluation that are timed and specific to clinical knowledge and leadership management etc. You can add them to your profile. It's very similar to that. And then she answered the Bible. I'm not a Holy Roller but I have been able to calm down this and better and not judge people and understand that everyone is looking through the lens of their own perspectives. Kendra says boundaries, then. Charles says zip is clunkier. The aspect that I find useless useful is they saturate the advertising market and most users are uploading a resume for view by organizations. However, indeed is true In this area also, but the more your resumes out there, the more views you should receive. Kendra says she tags Alicia yes the Bible for sure basic instructions before leaving Earth, and Charles says book The Art of War not because I want to bet that it was a battle, but a lot of the book is cross. Optical oh my gosh to life in business.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Sorry. Yeah. Okay. Those are great comments. Okay. I like this kyndra one here. She said. The he said the basic instructions before leaving Earth Bible. It's cute. They ever heard that before? And it's interesting, the assessment of the job boards. That was very good. Who gave the assessor the job boards is that Patty? Uh, what she said, you know, indeed is stronger in that area. And oh, that was Charles Charles. Okay. Thanks, Charles. I love these assessments here. This is very helpful. Yeah, you know, this is good to hear as far as feedback. So I've heard indeed of her Glassdoor. I've heard monster and heard zip recruiter. Do we have any other job boards that have been mentioned anyone using any other job boards besides those four, because there's, there's hundreds, just hundreds out there. So I'm just curious if we have folks who are using more than just those four that I've heard. And I like this. I've heard quite a bit. Now the art of war has a lot of strategy, and it can be even used in a corporate environment. So I get what Charles is saying is not necessarily because you want to go to war, there's a lot of a lot of cool quotes that are used in the art of war on strategy. When I see Elise's comment, she says, The 48 Laws of Power. It sounds interesting. Jonathan, if you don't mind looking it up. Can you look that up and give us a link to some of these? Like the 48 Laws of Power? The auto war is pretty, pretty common book with 48 Laws of Power. I don't think I've heard of that one. That's a good one. I like them. Right now. Let's see, what am I reading right? I just finished a book called hooked. Very interesting book. It's a lot of folks who like who came up with things like Facebook and Instagram and LinkedIn, these different social media profiles. They you could tell they really studied this book. And the book is all about how to create a service or a product or a website that gets people hooked when they just keep coming back. It's very interesting. I just finished that book. I'm also in the process of reading persuasion. That's another good one. persuasion is a good one. And oh, talking to strangers, but Malcolm Gladwell, that's an interesting book. I just started that one. I meant to read it earlier, but I never got to it too recently. So So she's he starts off talking about Sandra Bland. I don't know if you remember her. She's from Houston, Texas air one Oh, she's actually from Chicago, but she was in Houston, Texas area, go just coming back from a job interview, and was stopped by a policeman. And she was ended up found dead A few days later in a jail cell. But it was the thought behind the book is the art or the interactions of talking to strangers? how a lot of times it goes wrong and we miss we miss conceive or, or we miss risk represented by how the other person receives information from us. It's very interesting, very into the audiobook, listen to the audiobook. What's cool about the audiobook is that instead of him just reading it, you actually get a chance to hear the voices of the people who he's talking about. So I actually get a chance to hear Sandra Bland, his voice I get a chance to hear some of these other characters he talks about in the book, the historical figures in the book. Very interesting read. Okay, so thanks for supplying that link that was used by the link. Jonathan, as I see this long link, I don't see what the beginning of it is.

Jonathan Rios:

Yeah, that was a it's a collection. Joanne said.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Well, thanks for saying that. Joe says when it comes to the bundle, Oh, I see. Very expensive, okay. Okay. And then I've seen some of these latest comments. Patty says I've been contacted from a recruiter through job flare. Interesting. That's what I've never heard of. Is anyone else using job flow? that's a that's a new one. I haven't heard a job fair. Alicia says yes, I was given that acronym as a young child. That's very interesting. I like that this is that's really cool. Okay. All right. So I have another question to finish this off here. Would you rather wear a motorcycle helmet to bed every night or always sleep with your shoes and jeans on so what you're wearing motorcycle helmet every night, or always sleep with your shoes and jeans on. And I do have one actually have one more question for you. So I want you to answer that one. But I also want to you to answer this one. What's your favorite flavors of ice cream to put in a triple scoop cone? What's your favorite flavors of ice cream? To put in a triple scoop cone? And the other situation was? Would you rather wear a motorcycle helmet to bed every night? Or always sleep with a shoes and jeans on? Okay, well listen, you know what, this has been fun. I'm gonna give you a couple minutes to put some some answers in and we'll read them off. before we let you go. Let me know if you like this kind of relaxed conversation. Maybe I have a you know, set of tips I'm going to share and then we can we can dive down in those tips. Or, or just kind of do some of the questions we did we kind of mix some of those up. Tell me if you like that, if you like that, that sort of interaction. And I'm just trying to tweak I'm just trying some new stuff here. Just trying to tweak some things for 2021. We got some great guests lined up. By the way, just let you know. One of the guests we have the first guests we have for the for 2021 is Shanee, Moret, that spelled S h a n e e M o r e t, maybe you can tag Shanee in here, Jonathan, so that folks can can look at her profile. She has about 700,000 followers. And a little over a year ago, she didn't even have 30,000 followers. So that shows you how much growth she's basically grown about 700,000 followers in the past year. So I want to bring her on about what you and I can do to help grow our network, our influence for 2020 1am having her on Monday on that first Monday in 2021. And then the second guest the same day very excited about this one. Jen welter Dr. Jen welter. She was the first NFL female coach ever, which is awesome. And she was assistant coach for the Arizona Cardinals. So I look forward to having her on. On that same Monday. So it's gonna be to our basically a two hour show. We're gonna have Shinae, Moray and then Dr. Jenn Walter. So this will be longer than normal. But I was able to get in both books. I went ahead and booked them which is great. We've got some other pretty cool folks lined up that month we've got I don't have I don't have a specific date yet. But I know we're going to have Quintin Q, he's otherwise known as Q. Really cool guy, if you ever watched some of his stuff, he's going to be on our on our show. And a process of getting some of my returning guests like, like a bob Berg or quits, tutor, I'll be reaching out to them to get them back on the show, Jonathan Palmer, looking forward to having him back on the show. And you know, some of our some of the folks that you've seen before, but we're going to be working in some new ones as we go throughout the year. And I think that having the show on Wednesday will give me an opportunity to have that many more folks that are on the show. So let me know what what what folks you would like to see on the show. I'd love to have them on. One talk for folks, to folks throughout the healthcare industry as well as outside of the healthcare industry. Alright, so what are some of the comments here before we head out, Jonathan?

Jonathan Rios:

Yes, so Jo started off with I like classic flavors, chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. Alicia said motorcycle helmet so when I fall out of bed, I will have a head injury. Patti says I would rather sleep with my shoes and jeans on okay. Alicia said lemon vanilla and peanut butter. Something haha. And then Charles said of interest 40 Laws of Power is one of the most requested books by inmates in prisons and was banned in all prisons in the state of Utah. actually heard that before so then Patty says vanilla, vanilla and vanilla but I really can't eat ice cream. Not that I'm going that that I'm big on sweets anyway. Kendra says jeans and shoes. Alicia said she tagged Charles figures we we'd hate for people to actually learn how to reform their self so that they can accept themselves and never returned to any state prison or mental state of prison mental or physical. And Charles tag delicia don't quote me, but I believe the art of seduction was also that's it.

Rollis Fontenot III:

Okay. Alicia, she's letting that personality come out, right. That's awesome. We appreciate all your comments today. So tell me what Tell me what you enjoy it. If you enjoyed it today, I'd love to hear that. I love to hear any feedback. If you're watching the replay, feel free to put your feedback. I will read your comment. I will definitely see your comments. So thank you for coming on today. I don't think I'm going to be on tomorrow. But who knows? I may change my mind. I may be on tomorrow. Definitely not Thursday and Friday. But who knows? You never know. I may. I may I may change your mind decide to come on. But thanks for coming on everybody. You guys were awesome. They loved all the comments with Charles and Alicia and Kendra and Patti and Joe Johnson, thank all of you, for today. Had fun. And if I don't see you, amen, have a great, great, great time over the next several days. I know we're gonna have several days off in a row. So enjoy yourselves, whatever you whatever you're going to be doing. But please stay safe and healthy. Please be socially distant. And you're going to be around other people outside your household. Please wear a mask. Really this is this is really scary, folks. So please do what you can on that. I know a lot of folks who I'm speaking to her in health care so I don't have to tell you but for those the rest of us let's let's do our part to contribute by staying safe. All right. Thank you, everyone.