#livewithrollis Podcast

7 Sets to Run a Successful Recruitment Campaign

Rollis Fontenot III Season 1 Episode 4

This episode which was taken from one of my live shows  talk about  the  seven (7) steps 
to run a successful recruitment campaign. 

I'm also going explain here more  about programmatic advertising and  the platforms to use.

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Rollis Fontenot III:

Okay. So what we're going to talk about today is seven steps to run a successful recruitment campaign. And also, I'm going to help explain some of the jargon, you know, so you know, sometimes you'll hear the term programmatic advertising. And sometimes you'll hear, you know, hear Google ads, you'll hear about YouTube ads, you hear about LinkedIn ads, Facebook, ads, Instagram. So I'm going to go through all that, just trying to demystify all of that, yes, you can waste lots of money advertising, and I'm going to help you waste less. We're always going to waste a little bit, but I'm going to show you how to waste a little bit less and make sure that your advertising dollars stretches as far as they can possibly go. I'm going to do some screenshots, I can actually show you my screen and kind of walk you through a couple of things to look at, when you're examining that same, that same campaign. So let me just kind of work, work through that we're going to go through the seven steps First, to running a successful campaign, then I'm going to explain the jargon. And then I'm also going to give you as a bonus. 

If I have some time, I think I will, I'm going to give a bonus in terms of what can get you some organic views without actually running an ad. And of course, I'll also have my question. So if you do jump in, jump in, say hi, and see if you can answer a question for me. Now, if you're here, let me know where you're signing in, from what city, what state, what country you love to hear any of that. And I'm in Houston, Texas, by the way, if you didn't know that I'm coming from Houston. But yeah, I'd love to hear from you. What city, what state, what country. And also let me know what your what the what industry you're in, what industry you're in, and hopefully your recruiter, or you're an HR talent acquisition, or just a company that's looking to hire people, I'm going to show you how you can run a recruitment video ad campaign specifically, this is making the assumption that you have a video, I'm not going to go into the components of what makes a great video, I did actually, if you want to look at my post from yesterday, I did go into in that post ways you can make your videos more effective so that when someone does watch your video, they're more likely to engage with it, they're more more likely to actually interact with it, maybe click through and look at your job and perhaps apply for your job. And so hopefully, that will help you but let's go through the seven steps. Alright, so steps. Step number one, when you're looking to run a recruitment campaign, this is something that's come up recently, and that is to separate your domain from your regular domain of your site. 

Now, a lot of companies take a shortcut, they'll use whatever the domain is of the 80 s. And that is not really the way to go. Typically what you want to do is separate the domain. So I'll give an example. Let's say for our situation, we could have HR maximize the name of our company. So it's hr maximizer.com. If I wanted to have a career site and really do it the correct way, I would want to have something like HR Maximizer jobs calm, but some type of separate domain, not even jobs. HR Maximizer will even cut it because whenever you look at the different career, plot the different ad platforms that are out there, that you're going to get penalized if you're using the same exact domain because I say penalized. For instance, I'm in the healthcare To market. So a lot of our clients would be hospitals or healthcare organizations. There's a lot of restrictions that are put on healthcare when advertising for positions. So automatically, jobs will get restricted, I'm sorry, ads will get restricted, because they're coming from a domain that's considered to be a healthcare domain, because people don't want to like, I'll give you an example. Let's say I'm looking on a site about boosting my testosterone, okay. And it's something that's kind of very, very sensitive, and I'm on this site. And then all of a sudden, I go to another site, maybe it's, I don't know, CNN, or Forbes or Fox or something like that. And I'm on this other website, and all of a sudden, I see ads for testosterone, I was like, what's like, why am I seeing the ads? For the sake of it? I just already left that website. 

Why am I looking at that? So it started to kind of freak people out. So they started complaining to the different companies. And so now, they make it where there's certain types of websites, once you, once you are considered a healthcare website, you're going to have to explain your way out and a lot of things you've done, some can't even explain your way out of it, then it's all automated. So you don't even have a chance to explain to someone that look, this is for a job, I'm not actually offering that procedure. This is a job to actually be a nurse to work at this facility. I've tried to have those conversations and like, first of all, it's a hassle even trying to get to the right person. And it's not always approved. So the bottom line, what we found is separate the domain is a totally different domain. And if you don't use the ATMs one, okay, ATMs, by the way, for those of you who are not in the industry 80 s means applicant tracking system, what that means is that when people apply for jobs, they go into the software, this system that holds those, those applicants, attaches them to jobs and allows the recruiter to talk to those different applicants. The problem with using the 80 s one is most of the ATMs and don't have the type of analytics you need. And if you're not gonna be able to run campaigns properly, if it's just often ATMs, okay, so that's what you want to do is you still use the ATMs, but you use it where these the job show up on your domain that you've created. And this is what we do for clients. But I'm just trying to give you some a little bit of di DIY information here. Okay, so that's the first thing is separate your site, separate out your domain, come up with a different domain. And before you run your ad campaign, the next thing you want to do is secure it secure your site, I have seen a lot of hospitals and healthcare organizations and other other organizations are not even in health care, make this critical mistake is they will they will not have a secure site. And they won't have it available on all platforms. So I know some facilities have their platform where it only will show properly on certain browsers. When I mean, what do I mean by browsers? Well, if you're on LinkedIn, on a desktop, you're probably using a browser to look at it, you may be using Chrome, Safari, edge, Internet Explorer, opera, those are just different names of browsers, most people use Safari and Chrome, I would say some around 70 to 80% are going to be using Chrome or Safari. So if your IT department is making sure that your site is readily available to the maximum amount of peaceful people possible, make sure that your site is accessible on Safari and Chrome. In the story, I mean, yeah, it is as important and explore as important of all those but I've seen some companies, they actually it only works on let's say Internet Explorer. And that's literally the it's like the kiss of death when it comes to career sites, because only a small percentage of people will use that that browser to access their jobs. So it causes a very big issue of accessibility. So the last thing you want to do is run a campaign and have somebody click on the ad and they can't see the job because their browser isn't compatible with the system that you're using. So make sure that you do that. Okay, make sure that the second point is to secure your site and make sure it's available on all major platforms. Alright, so that that's going to be step number two. Step number three of this process, is make sure that your application process when your let's say your ad is working, and people look at your ad and they click through to your job, that they can apply for that job in three minutes or less. If they cannot apply for that job in three minutes or less. It's basically like taking your ad dollars, and roughly taking 90% of them and throwing them out the window. Because you're gonna lose a lot about 90% of your candidates that way. So make sure that the process is extremely short and easy. Less than three minutes. The reason why I know that is we've made all these mistakes. So that's why I know so. So definitely make it where you know, it's very easy. There's no friction, it's very easy for them to apply. And they can do it in about three minutes or less. All right, then the fourth point is whenever you get these ads because remember These are passive candidates we're talking about when you're running a recruitment campaign, you're trying to go out to people who are passive that are not on a job board. Because if they're already on the job boards, you don't need to run an ad campaign because they're already there, they're already applying. So obviously, if we're running an ad campaign, we're pushing it out to folks that weren't looking specifically for a job on a job board on your read on your your career site. So when you're running these, make sure that you follow up on all the leads that are received within a very short period of time, I would say in most cases, same day, perhaps next day, if you want to maximize your ad dollars, if you really want to maximize them, really surprised them and give them a call, or contact them within an hour and you will blow them away.

That's That's how competitive it is. These days, there are some recruiters that will be doing that. And there are some recruiters that depending on how important the job is, and how tough it's been been to get candidates, they may actually be calling them even on the weekends. So it gets that competitive, because it's very hard to get these some of these leads in for these hard to fill positions. And this applies across the board. I mostly live in the space of healthcare, where we recruit, you know, nurses, physicians, physician assistants, and things of that nature. But it doesn't matter if you're talking about developers, if you're talking about engineers, any type of hard to fill position, the same principles apply, you want to you want to definitely strike while the iron is hot, right? All right. So that's point number four. The fifth point is run a sponsored job ad. Now what that will do for you, is when you're on a job board, and they're looking for when they're on a job board, they're looking for jobs, they're looking for jobs within a specific criteria. So they may say, I'm looking for a job in northwest Houston, where I live, right, so I'm going to put a zip code in there. And any jobs that are within that zip code are right around that zip code that are, let's say, nurse jobs, I want to see all the jobs there. But now if you're somewhere down in parallel and or way over in, I don't know, let's say you're over in Sugar Land, right? I'm just giving you some names, you probably don't, depending where you're watching that those names don't mean anything to you. But they're they're areas that are maybe several miles away from here, and so that they're not going to show up in the search. What you can do with a sponsored ad, is you can make sure that your sponsored ad shows up in that search, even though I didn't type in that specific area. Or maybe I typed that I wanted a med search job. And you're really looking to fill some er positions. And normally in a job board, no er positions would generally show up only the med surge that you that you apply that you you know search for with a sponsored ad what it will do is it will bring up it will make sure bring up that ad even for that particular candidate that didn't search that thing. Another thing is sponsored ad will do is it will generally put yours at the top most most of these big job aggregators, like indeed Glassdoor, so we hired those where you can where you can buy these sponsored ads, what they will do is they'll make sure that your job stays at the top, or at least close to the top depend on how many other sponsored ads there are. That way, you won't go so far down the list that they don't see it. Because if you're talking about the free the unpaid route, what happens is when they aggregate and pull those jobs in, it will automatically start ranking them by date. So the most recent jobs will go to the top. And then as the jobs ages out, day after day, it goes further further down the list, once you get down to the second page is much less likely that they're going to see your ad. And they'll typically gonna look at the first page, maybe some people go to the second page, but and definitely ruin the third or fourth, forget about it. Okay, so make sure that you for those jobs that are very critical that you do have some type of sponsored ad budget that will help you with your campaign. Now, let me go to the next level. Okay, beyond just sponsored job ads, on a job board. The next level is where they're totally passive. When I say passive, what's considered in our market, and those of you who are in talent acquisition, passive just means simply that they're just not on a job board looking for a job specifically. Whereas what I mentioned earlier, those are all considered active candidates because they're on a job board, looking for a job. So if you're if you're doing what some people have turned to me as programmatic advertising, which that's basically it's basically bidding bidding on advertising. Most times they're referring to job boards. But what I'm about to talk to you about in just a moment, I'm going to show you in detail on my screens. I'm going to show you something that's next level beyond that. It's beyond just having sponsored job ads, those are good, they have their place you should do them. But this is next level while I'm about to show you. And what I'm about to show you is even though I do want two things, it's either going to show you That either your offers not strong enough, or it's amazing. Or it's going to show you that your video is not quite what it needs to be, or it's amazing. But at least you're going to know. And you're also going to know, to some extent, how strong your offer is, once they actually click through to your site. Okay, so let's go through that. So I'll run through the first five points, if you're just joining, just going to quickly just recap those very quickly. Number one is you want to separate your domain for your main domain. So have it as a separate website. Number two, you want to secure your the website and make it available across pretty much any browser. And when I say browser, like Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, so forth, so make sure that they they're compatible across all those things. Because lastly want to do is run a campaign and they can't access your position because they don't have the right browser, make sure it's available all the browsers. And when I say all the browsers, I forgot to mention earlier, all devices as well. So whether they're using a desktop of the using a tablet, or if they're using a phone, see your your site should be able to resize so they could see it on any of those platforms. Okay, that was that was point number two. Point number three was make your applicant process applicant application process, three minutes or less. And number four, we're following up on all the leads very quickly within one business day. And then point number five was, was running a sponsor job at on some of the major job boards. One of the ones that we use, actually, the one that we use right now is indeed, of course, you can do on Glassdoor, you can do some of the other ones, but the one we recommends, indeed, because has the most traffic. Alright, so let me go to point number six, which is actually running a campaign. And when I'm going to suggest to really test out your videos, first of all, what I would like you to do is go look and see how many how many views your videos have now. I would say in most cases, most of you who are watching this, your video views in most cases are less than 1000. Some of you might have more, but I would be very surprised fact send me a message. If you got one over 1000 I want to take a look at it with note with no ad promotions. One that you got up to over 1000 I would love to see that fact. Let me just refresh my screen. Make sure I'm not ignoring any comments. Because if you certainly if you have comments, I want to see those. Okay. All right. So let's go into the campaign.

Here's how you run the campaign. Step number one, once you get your video together, typically you want the video to be less than two minutes, if at all possible. It needs to probably be more than 30 seconds. And the reason why I would say to be more than 30 seconds, is so that you can properly track it in the ad platform. I will I will show you that in just a moment. So you'll understand what I mean. Now what I talked about earlier about does your does your ad have less than 1000 views, it probably does. Let me know. If it has less than 1000 views. It's not really enough, it's not really enough used to even see it, the video is good. I would venture to say it a lot of you probably have some videos that don't even have 100 or 200 or 300 views. By the way, YouTube, when they when they look at views of videos. If it's below 300, they know that the the count is not actually even accurate, it only begins to be accurate after 300 or more views. Once it gets past 300 or more views, then their algorithm really starts to look at who's looking at the video, what's up with and so forth. So you really can't gauge what a video is done off less than I would say, really less than 300. But I just want to show you some of the view counts that we're working with. So we have some videos here, listed on this list here. Some of the clients who work with 93,000 68,000 views 66,000 to 50 51,000 views, 38,000 views. That's you eventually want to get there with your campaign. But I'm not, I'm not going to suggest that you do that out of the gate. What I suggest is to do this, basically go for a goal of 5000 views per platform to see how well your videos perform. If you've got like five videos, go ahead and get them all up and ready on the platform. Get them weather Weather Ready to go and then and then go ahead and get 5000 views, that's going to be your goal. Now I'm going to explain what it means. When I say view in just a moment. I'm gonna explain some of that jargon. So don't worry about that. I'm going to explain it but I just want to get a give you an idea of of the type of numbers that you want to eventually get to to really get the kind of results that you're looking for. Okay. In fact, let me show it to you on I actually forgot to show it to you on the screen. Let me do that now. Okay, this is what I'm talking about. Not what I'll do is let me zoom in so you can see a little better. You see here 93,000 views, 68,000 views, 66,000 views, 51,000 views. That's what it takes to start to move the needle to really move the needle in terms of candidate traffic.

Now, the good news is, to purchase a view is very inexpensive. It really depends on what type of video what type of market, what type of industry, a number of different things can influence the cost of the video view. But the good news is, you only have to pay for a view if they watch it for 30 seconds or more on YouTube or Google. So if you're going to start advertising, I do think you're watching this on LinkedIn, LinkedIn is a good place to advertise videos to we do use that. And I would suggest that if you're brand new to the, to the advertising game, so to speak, I would say to start on YouTube and Google because you only have to pay if it's 30 seconds, whereas on LinkedIn, you're going to have to pay after just a few seconds, you will have to pay for a view. So I want to say it's either three or seven seconds, I'm not 100% sure which one it is, but it's a very low amount. So you can imagine, you can probably get a lot of wasted views for three to seven seconds. Now the advantage of LinkedIn, which I absolutely love about LinkedIn, is that you can be much more strategic on who watches the videos. So you can actually hone it down to a specific job title at a specific size of company, which is incredible. And you cannot do that on Google on YouTube. So that's one major advantage. So that's why I'm saying you still want to do the LinkedIn as well. 

So I'm going to suggest to do five k 5000, video views on YouTube, and Google, on LinkedIn, as well as after that Facebook, and Instagram, do 5000 each. And the reason why I'm asking you to do that is because you want to see what platform that your videos resonate with. So you're and you're also judging how engaging those videos are. Now another thing I really do love and LinkedIn actually does this as well is it gives you an opportunity to see how well people are engaging with your content. Now there is a way you can gauge this organically through YouTube, there is a way and I'll show you that on a different, I'll do a different live for that walk and show you how you can kind of delve into that part of it. But just for now, I just want to focus on the the ad platform. Okay. So we'll give you some examples here. This is an example here. This example here shows you it's very interesting, the level of engagement that we're talking about the level of watch time. So particularly like this first video here, when it within a relatively short period of time. We have over 128,000 impressions, impressions like Roswell, what does that mean? Okay, let me give an example. Let's say you're driving down the road, you're driving down, you're leaving your house, you're driving down the road, and you're going to the business section, and you're driving down that business section. And as you drive down that business section of that road, you see several businesses, and you look and there's a sign there. Let's say it says target, okay, oh, there's a target right there. Okay. You keep on driving. That's an impression. So as you're driving along, you notice that there was a sign and you know, that says target, you know, that that stores target, that's an impression of you is more like if you drove into the parking lot, you start looking for a parking space. And maybe you even got out of the car and walked all the way up to the window. And you're able to see kind of what the you know, see what the crowd is like, like right now during COVID you're like, Well, let me see if it's if it's super crowded or not, maybe I don't want to go if it's too crowded. Or maybe let's say you see a restaurant and you pull up to that restaurant, or let's say you're walking down a Broadway and then there's restaurants there that you can just walk into. And you can look at the the menu, that's more like a view. Whereas if you're just walking past it, it was just an impression, okay? So you want to you want to really track the impressions versus the views. Now this is do not just say I'm just gonna let my ad person do all this. I'm not gonna worry with all that this is important for you as a talent acquisition professional, an HR professional, to at least understand some of these basics. So when you're having this conversation Even if you are contracting out to an agency, you're able to at least know some of these terms and what they actually mean for you, and your recruitment efforts. Okay? So those are the first two things, you have impressions, and you have views. Okay, so looking on this screen here, let me kind of zoom in. Notice here, we've got 2.2 million view impressions, excuse me. So that means that those are 2.2 million opportunities where they saw some type of thumbnail or something opportunity to actually start watching. Now, what's really cool, this is what I love about this platform. Now I like I like LinkedIn to I've got I've got my different reasons why I like both of them. But one of these reasons why I love this platform, is that notice it says 128,000 impressions, but only 38,000 views is 37,817. To be exact. I only have to pay for the views. So even if they watch 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 25 seconds, 29 seconds, I don't have to pay a penny and it doesn't count as a view. I love that. That's great. Now, out of the impressions, only about 29% will actually view at least 30 seconds or more of the video. Now you'll notice our videos are incredibly long, some are 59 seconds, a minute, minute, 42, this is a minute 58. So people aren't necessarily going to watch the whole thing. But that's not my total goal. My total goal is that I want to put enough of an impression on their mind as they're watching the video, that it will cause them to want to click through and investigate the site just a little bit more. That is my main goal with this, because I'm trying to drive user traffic to those job ads. And I'm trying to drive user traffic of people who are qualified. Now, how to determine the qualified or not, is partially by your content, but it's also by your targeting. I will talk about that in another video at another time. It's too long to go into now. But I just want to make sure you know, the basic strategy here is that the basic strategy is I want to see how strong the offer is how strong the video is, and how strong my, the platform that I have is, okay. So looking at this, we've got impressions and the views. And then now we've got the clicks. clicks means they took an action, they clicked on something that will likely take them to your site, which is a good thing, right? That's That's the goal. So roughly about 5.6. This is an incredibly effective video, when 5.6% of the views actually turn into a buying action. In our case, we want them to go view our job. This is a this is an incredible stat here. Now what's even more incredible about this particular video, is it's driving really good quality traffic because notice the conversions is actually higher than the clicks, you're like, Well, what does that mean? conversions. In our case, you can make conversions, you can determine what a conversion is for you. But in our case, we fill out our conversions when we look at look at one at least one job. And then it's really good if they work look at a second job because now I'm counting that as a second conversion. So what happens is when people go to the site, even though it's 5.64% of the folks who watch the video turned into actual clicks, when we look at actually not even watch a video that's 5.64% of those who saw the ad skews me and they even watch the whole video 13.2% actually convert.

Or let me rephrase that, at least about 13% of those people end up either looking at one ad or two ads, once they watch the video. So that's that's incredible, that those these are incredible stats. And that's when you know you have incredible video. And you might say wow, that must be a really good video, you probably spent a lot of time and effort on that video. And to some extent, yes, but not as much as you would think we actually use because of COVID because we're in the time of COVID right now. Some of the production costs have actually gone down to a certain extent. So that actually has been a benefit to us when it comes to video production. It's a little bit harder though to get some of the beat where we call B roll footage. I could explain a different time but basically it's like when you're watching an interview and they cut away to something else and they cut cut back to the interview that's called B roll footage, but any rate What we found is even with a simple video like this, because the content is so good, and because our audience is on point, we were, we were able to get around five to 6%, click through ratio. And a good percentage of those people are not only looking at one job, but they're looking at multiple jobs. That tells me a lot about this, and roughly about 10%, watch the entire video, which is actually still pretty good. So this is these are some things you can look at when you're really analyzing how well a campaign is going. Now, we've talked about impressions, we talked about views, we talked about the view rate. And we talked about the click rate, we talked about that, we also talked about the conversion rate. full view, just just just to reiterate, it's those who watched the entire video until the very end. So even if they watch like I give example, let's say they watch it up to like a minute and 55 seconds, and they cut it off, that does not count as a full view, they have to watch 100%. So that's why a 10% ratio is pretty high, roughly about let's see is 20 on this video 29, almost 30%, watch it about 26%, watch 25% of the video, and then another another about about 16% of them watch 50% or half the video, that's totally okay. Because it takes an average of people who are just totally not interested in, they just want to get to whatever they're doing, that averages out to those people who actually are interested. And so, in the grand scheme of things, these are actually pretty good numbers. To give an example how it compares with another video that we did, that was more of the high production level, we have the full camera man, it's beautiful HD, everything is recorded in person, all that now we're looking at a little bit different situation, but it's about the same in terms of results. So 5.64%, here's the one with less production is less than 3%. Click through ratio, and the conversion ratio is 10.69. So the conversion ratio is roughly comparable, but the click through ratio is quite a bit lower. So it actually you could you could argue that the the one doing done during COVID has actually been more effective for us than the one that was the high production. Just a little hope for for you guys who maybe have limited budget that you're working with, doesn't have to be like this high super production video to get folks attention. It just has to be, you know, really strong with content, make sure you're hitting areas, and we've talked about this in my live yesterday, just make sure you're hitting areas that people are wanting to know about, you know, if you're if you're going to look for a job, what do you want to know about an A video? Do you want to know how pretty the building looks? Maybe to a certain extent, yes. But that's not what you're gonna want to know up front, right, you're gonna want to know what type of job it is, where it is, what type of work is being done, you're going to want to know like, what kind of equipment Do they have, you're going to want to know who you're going to be working with more so than what the building looks like. Or maybe some of the executives you want to have, you want to be able to obviously see the executive team. But that doesn't become as as important for you until you know some of the basics about the job itself. So just keep that in mind whenever you're picking videos to run a campaign on. All right now. Ultimately, what should all of this do, it should drive traffic to your website. That goes back to what I originally mentioned. LSI website mean your career site, not just your website, this goes back to what I mentioned at the outset of the situation, which is step one, step one was to create a separate domain. And when I say domain, and I talked about this earlier, using the example of my company, or our company would be hr maximizer.com, we would have maybe an HR Maximizer jobs comm it would just be an additional address or link or domain that people could click on makes it much easier to run a campaign off of because each one of these ads has to be associated with a domain. And you don't want to be the same exact domain as your main domain of your of your, your organization. Alright, so one of the things I said was a bonus that I do want to add. One bonus I wanted to add is what kind of videos can I produce that people will watch that I won't have to pay for advertising. Can I show you some of those. What's really hot right now is the day in the life videos. So if you really want to get some organic traffic, you can do something like that. Now, unlike the paid ads that generally you don't want any more About a minute or two, these are longer and look at some of the times that I have on here. So I can make it bigger, we can see it better. See, as we got one, this is seven minutes. This is 10 minutes, that's five minutes. This is 1051 11 minutes I've seen as long as up to 20. But 20 minutes is about them. I think I may have seen one that was 30. But most of them were like in this range. As I'm scrolling down. Now I just did the day in the life of ICU nurse, these are all the ones that came up. Now you notice as I go further down the list gonna bring up other things like this is a day in the life of a CNA nursing system. But look at the amount of views on those guys. Look at that. That's almost a half million views off of a video that was produced a year ago. And I can guarantee you that a lot of those half million views are still coming in up to this day. I know it's I know it's getting new clicks every day. So that is something to consider. If you don't have one is having a day in the life. You don't really need much B roll footage because the style the way these these types of videos are done. It's basically and I invite you to watch some of them. But usually what it'll be is just them talking about their job, but they're not actually showing you anything. Because a lot has to do with the HIPAA HIPAA laws and the hospitals not usually even the one that's putting this on like, in this case, her name is Ashley Taylor, and she's putting on this video herself. Okay, as I scroll back up towards the top. Even if you don't get half million views, you're still probably going to get a good amount. You got a 38,000 you got a 93,000 coming from Ashley Adkins. These are all they're done by individual people nurse rocky 139,000 views. Now there's two ways you can do this. This is really cool. I don't know if you see this. So these are some folks you probably want to follow. This is violin MD, she, she's an she's an MD. She's, she's an internal medicine resident. Actually not a resume more. She's actually a full full on doctor now I believe. But anyway, this is one of his day in the life of Doctor shadowing an ICU nurse. So this this example here is 11 minutes, it's 1.6 million views. So you can get a lot. Now if you're not experienced in this area of doing this type of thing I would suggest to work through an influencer. And we have we have those type of connections where we can help hospitals to get an influencer involved. But even if you don't have an influencer, you can, you can do it on your own, you can do it just right where you are. And literally one of your nurses can whip out their their iPhone, just like what you see violin MD doing and talking about the job. It doesn't have to be super fancy. And you can get as you can see here, this is not theory, this is actual videos. 130 9000 6001 point 6,026,001 point 1 million, you can get lots of views. The likelihood of you just doing your first view first video and doing a day in the life. And you just all the gay getting the half million views is probably not likely. One of the things you have to keep in mind with let's say like just using her as an example. She has 750,000 subscribers. And if you look at the amount of videos that she has, she has probably I don't know, probably at least 100 videos, I would think. So you know, she has a much more likely to get that type of use. The only way you're going to be able to get 1.6 million views on a video like that is if you need to do this put in years and years and years of this, because she's been on YouTube for a while. But let me say you know what I can probably tell you just by clicking here. Okay. She's had 53 million views. She's been on the platform since 2017. So she's been on this platform for three and a half years. So just starting out, don't expect that you're going to get those those kind of results. But it does tell you the it does tell you the potential of using this type of platform, which is very good. Maybe your maybe your goal for the first time is just to maybe get 5000 views. But in order to do it, look through a few of these. If you need some help Feel free to direct message me I can give you some ideas on how you can do it. If you want to get a certain influence or to help you out I can also help you just show you how to approach them. Glad to help on that. And of course you have any question about running a campaign hit me up in the comments. Or you can feel free and send me a direct message but I love talking about this stuff. Ultimately I want you to run a great campaign. Just the days of us just being able to you know post a job and they will come kind of thing that is kind of going away. So you know the more you can equip yourself Make sure you have these arrows in your quiver. If you will have these tools in your tool belt toolbox to be able to bring in candidates, it's going to be very important to do that. Thank you for your time. I appreciate the time you've invested in me, and I hope you have a fantastic rest of the day.