#livewithrollis Podcast

Elevating the Human Experience in the Workplace through L.O.V.E.

Rollis Fontenot III Season 1 Episode 6

In this episode, I invited a very special guest.   

Gwen Chambers, SPHR, SHRM-SC  and I will be talking about the four essential ingredients in the workplace... 

It is he thing we call...  L.O.V.E!

L.O.V.E that stands as Leadership, Ownership, Values and Effort! 

These are the ingredients we use to guide coworkers toward successful outcomes with workplace objectives.

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Rollis Fontenot III:

She's a human resource director. She is doing lots of great things in healthcare where we actually desperately need a lot of help in health care. What I love about what you want to do is you want to help elevate the human experience in the workplace through llv, welcome to the show Gwen chambers.

Thank you very much for the pleasure to be here. Happy 2021.

Yes, thank you very much. I'm glad to be alive and healthy and grateful. Right. And I did see the live notification so I'm just going to bring that up so I can see the comments as they come in, because I want to make sure that I don't miss the comments and and Joe Are you helping me today with comments I don't remember. Did we? Yeah, I can do it.

Okay. All right, so she'll be helping me out. She already got quite a few folks who are already signing in, we've, we had some some challenges this week but we're getting over those challenges we're meeting those challenges head on Glenn. Thank you for being here. And the first thing I want to know. I know a lot of other people want to know this too. What does love stand for llv. 

Well, we all know what love is. And when we're talking about love in the workplace, we're not talking about, well let me talk, let me tell you what we're not talking about, okay, we're not talking about you know sensual kind of love, we're talking about brotherly love, we're talking about brotherly love. And for me that acronym stands for leadership. Ownership values and effort. And I think if you have those four essential ingredients in the workplace you're off to a pretty good start. And that's how we elevate the human experience because after all, you know, the workplace is all about people. Yeah people's culture. And I think if we, you know, stay focused on those two things, you know, using love, I think we can win. And for me win stands for whatever is necessary so.

Oh, you will find that I'm a lot about acronyms, just like that, right. Go ahead, which is necessary, I like that. Right. Okay, so those who are just signing in if you're just starting it now let us know what city and your state you're coming from, let us know where you are in your journey, are you in HR talent acquisition. Are you looking for a position. Are you in a career and you're looking to kind of take that next step, maybe more more impactful in your career, let us know where you are, where are you in your journey we'd like to know, we want to hear your questions want to hear your comments that office discussions can be very interactive gwynns are very interactive person and so am I so we'd love to hear from you. And I'm going to type in what you just said I'm gonna put it up on the screen here, I love what you said so what's the first one here lol v was that leadership. Leadership, okay. Ownership ownership, values,

values, and effort and effort discretionary effort. That's right. Okay. Check this out and I'll put it up on the screen right now. You see that leadership ownership values and effort I love that. So that's what that's what l o v stands for so elevating the human experience in the workplace. Do you feel like we've lost a lot of that human experience.

I do. You know I've been in human resources for a very very very very long time I won't say how many berries, but yeah, you know I mean after a while, I started to wonder if I was in the right field because, you know, to me, human resources is all about the people. And a lot of the organizations that I support it in the past. Of course they had people in in the workplace. However, there was a, the focus was more on profits and policies and processes and it's like let's, you know, don't forget about the people because we're the ones that are doing the work. So, to answer your questions. 

Absolutely, yes. So, what before my next question is how do we bring that back well before we do that, I want Joe Can you let us know who's been signing in so far, let's say hello to some of these folks.

Yes, so we have even said hello. Don't think they said where they're coming from, but we have Sheree Michaels. She is coming from Marina Del Rey California.

Excellent. Hi, I'm Caroline Driscoll said hello everyone Simon from Concord. What does nh New Hampshire New Hampshire yeah

New Hampshire. Awesome. I am a new str. A new str okay and Amos, Simon from Los Angeles. Excellent. Well thank all of you for coming in. What's that like California people love it.

Okay, so here's something I want to do in this kind of new today, if, if one of you wants to actually ask a question by voice audio. We can supply you with a phone number you can call in and we can let you call in your question. And that way you can ask us, or you can just put it right in the chat go and let us know what your questions are, as we talked about elevating the human experience in the workplace. So from your standpoint grant what can we do what's like that first one or two steps we can take to start bringing the human experience and elevating it in HR, the

first thing that we have to do is just recognize that people are important that people matter. And it's not you know just employees, it's not just managers, it's not just the customers I mean it's, everybody. And I think sometimes that you know we just focus on we're here for the customers well yeah we are I mean after all, they're the ones that keep us in business, but we have to take care of our people first and they can take care of the customers. So I think one of the first things we need to do is recognize that and kind of, you know, readjust our mindset to know that people first. And it starts with the people that work for the organization. And another thing of course is the culture, people and culture are my two things I think that if we can get those two things right, we can win.

And I love that. Yeah, I agree. Absolutely. No, I think that's a key component. Do you feel that What do you feel is going to be the big driver is it going to be the executive leadership is it going to be someone that's a an HR that's a catalyst is it going to be the workers from from the, from the frontlines where, where do you see the change is coming from where we can elevate this human experience in the workplace.

You know, like with a lot of things I think it does start at the top, it does start with our executive leadership team. And I don't mean in a sense where they say you know here's your mission statement here's your value statement and then turn up you know turn around and do something totally different. It has to start there because after all, that's what employees do is that they follow the leader. And until those individuals are walking the talk, you know, not, not a lot can happen. So I definitely believe it starts with the leaders, and then of course it starts with the associates you know the employees too. We have to have the right people on the team. You know they have to be there because of certain things that are maybe intrinsic to them. You know, they are not you know someone who wants to be of service and to help them probably been in a service industry is probably not, you know, their calling. So, I believe it takes all of us. But I do believe that it starts at the top.

Now you're bringing up something that is interesting for me because I've seen this happen where you know maybe they're not the right fit for the team. Now when you say team. Do you, do you mean team as in the whole company in the department organization culture, what's the first thing you think of when you say they're not the right fit for the team.

I would say the organization at large. Okay. I mean, what is it that we're trying to accomplish as an organization, and then from there you kind of work your way out to the people.

Got it. Okay, so let's say you have someone who it seems like they might not be the right fit for the team. What steps do you think should be taken to see if that person is actually the right person if they can be, for lack of a better term rehabilitated to be the right person. I mean what steps. This human experience you're talking about does it play into that if you see somebody who just seems like they're just not working out right, what are the next steps in your opinion.

Well, ideally, I'd like to be a little bit more proactive in addressing the associate before they, you know, come on board, and having you know different types of assessments and protocols that we would use part of bringing somebody on to make sure that the right fit. I mean that's a totally different subject I know, but let's just say that they are within the organization, and this is when we kind of sit down and we try to find out what their strengths are and see where we might be able to help them develop them, it takes to, you know, some people may just say you know what that's not for me, you know, I'm out. But I think we do owe it to a person that we bring on the team to, to determine, you know, relatively quickly, you know if they are going to be a good fit because it's not working for us it's probably not working for them, either. And, you know, when you have someone that's in your workplace that really doesn't want to be there.

A whole lot of things can happen. as you know. No, absolutely. 

So definitely developing them you know finding out what their strengths are, you know, understanding what really turns them on and kind of try to, you know, work with them. And if not, then you know we have to you know to exit amicably hopefully, and sometimes that you know depending on the organization that may help, you know, providing them with some type of a severance package providing them without placement, but doing it in a humane and dignified manner.

Yeah, absolutely. No, I agree with that. So, in your perspective from what you've seen in the companies you've worked with overall. Do you think that you've seen that level of effort to try and meet with a person and and see if there's a there's a, if there is some strengths that we're not taking advantage of and. Do you see that sort of thing going on right now. Is that so where you see is kind of a huge lack.

You know, I would have to say there's, you know some great organizations that I've been a part of who have, you know, tried to go that route in helping people develop your strengths and putting them in the right, you know situations, however, you know I've also had some where they're just like you know what they're not meeting it you know get them out of here. And, you know, those are the times when I just thought, wow, you know, am I in the right position, am I in the right industry, am I in the right you know line of work, because that just doesn't sit well with me. So, I would have to say you know 5050 probably.

Yeah, so Okay,

why do you have, you know, skyrocketing absenteeism, you know workers comp costs that are out of the out of the world, you wonder why you have labor unions and strikes and you know, probably, you know, more than likely look back at the leadership of that organization or the culture of that organization and say yeah, it doesn't surprise. Ah, so it's kind of like, where there's smoke, there's fire kind of thing.

Absolutely. And you know what I would say is you know pay me now pay me later. It's kind of a thing. So it's either we're gonna invest in our people and let them help us, or they're gonna leave and we're gonna have all this turnover as you probably know very well about turnover and you know trying to retain folks is is difficult right now, especially in healthcare, especially in healthcare. Absolutely, especially if we're talking about these really hard to fill positions like your nurses and providers, nurse practitioners, right, right, right in the front lines, Joe, I want to make sure we acknowledge any of the new ones coming in and by the way before you do that folks if you're just coming in, let us know where you're signing in from what city what state. And oh we lost the video for going. 

Let us know what city and state you're coming in from, let us know where you are in the journey Are you on the TA side of the act on acquisition the HR side are you on the the the job seeking side, or are you in a career in a job and you're just trying to make your way to see if there's a way you can contribute to making the, the workplace, more of a better human experience. So Joe share with us what you see in the comments, any acknowledgments any questions.

Yes, so we have. Kim Ali who joined us as well. I Kim, as well as Dr Stevenson. Hey Dr Stevenson and yeah so Ava's asked a question how do you think we can create a more more truthful culture and situations you arrived and it wasn't present.

Wow. Okay, so how do you think we can create a more truthful culture in situations. You arrived and it wasn't present okay so if the truthful situation wasn't there, how do you how do you make it more truthful is am I getting that right. Are we say like, maybe I'm sorry I can repeat the question. Okay. Repeat it one more time, please.

Okay, it says how do you think we can create a more truthful culture in situations you arrived and wasn't present. I'm thinking she's saying it wasn't present before or and you're trying to make it more truthful. I don't know that's what what are you getting from that Glenn, I want to make maybe that person yeah I think of when I, when I hear the question is psychological safety. You know how can people show up is their truthful selves. And if they don't feel safe, they're not going to do that. The other thing that my mind kind of went to also was maybe you interview for a position and you thought it was one thing you got there and was something totally different. Oh, no. So I don't know which, which it is, but yeah, those are two good those are two really good subjects we should talk about anyway. If for some reason we're on the right, or not on the right track Eva let us know. Okay, that's so let's go down both those tracks I love both those when being your true self at work. Not Not necessarily. How do we create the psychological safety where people can be their true selves at work.

Well I think it goes to the V. The values, and love. Yes, is making sure that you have the right values that you know from the very very top is that these are the values of our organization and this is how we operate. And then, operate that way. And if you don't operate that way, help people see the light or help them see the door, you know, eventually, but I think that you have to first start with the values you know what's important around here and then live up to that. And one of those values should be something along the lines of integrity, you know, being truthful with your word. And also some sort of, you know, tolerance allow people to take risks. You know to be themselves and to let them, you know, explore something and let them be curious about things and they said no, they may say you know this may not work but I want to try it and let the leader, say you know what, tell me a little bit more about it, and if it makes sense, you know, yeah, let's try it, and it may not work, allow people to go through some of those failures, so they can say wow you know I made a big, you know what, but I didn't get fired. And actually I feel good and my boss feels good about, you know, the fact that I took the challenge, and you know, or took a risk. And then letting people know that it's okay. So I think that's one of the things there. And then you know and sometimes you have some organizations out there that deliberately you know have days or events where we say you know what, today we're going to talk about our biggest, you know mistakes, and what we've learned from it, and they celebrate it. I mean, that right there is huge. Oh yeah, the more that associates and employees see that in the workplace, they're like, Oh, okay. So now I can be my truthful self, I can you know not hide and said you know I don't know what I'm doing, or I don't know how to do this or how to do that. and then you just you I think from that you go to the E which is the effort. And that's when you start to see associates coming to the table with, you know, just a renewed sense of wanting to participate in wanting to help the organization grow, and that also goes along with the O, which is ownership in the company so I think all of those things kind of go hand in hand. And it's going to take time you're not going to trust people overnight, especially if you've been burned. But I think if you can walk the talk, if you can make sure that you know all of your programs your processes your benefit programs you know whatever those things may be that those are all in alignment with the values that you say are important, and people can see that. I think you start to develop this reputation of being trustworthy.

Right, absolutely not. I love that. And the other portion you mentioned which I thought was also very good I know it happens a lot in it with with registered nurses for sure, and I'm sure it happens with many other positions but you know it this is not what I signed up for basically.

Right, right, right. You know I was having a discussion with my daughter the other day, and I was telling her about a job that I had once before and it was with this lovely organization oh my god you know who wouldn't want to work here. And, you know, you see it from the outside you just go wow you know there's this or that you got all this stuff and then you get hired and you get inside. Right. mansion or whatever you think you know it's from the outside it looks great, but then you walk in and it looks beautiful inside and all sudden you start turning on the faucet and there's no water that comes out, you know, so things start it may look good on the outside, right but once you get on the inside, then it's like wow, you know where's the staircase you got a two storey here but how do I get to the you know the second floor, and I don't mean that literally it's just once you get into the organization you know like wow you told me that you know the culture was x. And when I get in here there's all this backbiting or there's all this gossiping or there's all this and that and, you know, it seems to be okay. So yeah, there are there are definitely people that, you know, sign up for jobs get in there and find out, this is not what I signed up for. And I think in, you know, I don't have the data here but I know there's a lot of research out there about turnover in the first 90 days, you know, or turnover in the first day, first year, and it's quite high. And that's very costly for organizations.

Yeah, and a bit a big metric in the recruiting of registered nurses world is is first year turnover, and in some organizations you're looking at 30 plus percent of first year turnover, which is very high. So that's a lot that's out there. So, I know we've got some more stuff coming in. So I think we may have another question too right Joe, what do we have, um so Kim Ali says How can you address bullying in the workplace, fear of retaliation is a barrier for coming forward.

Oh, I like that one okay now before you answer that Glenn, I have a question for the audience. Who's the best teacher, you've ever had. Who's the best teacher in your life that's affected you the most. And, but go ahead and ask the question about what she just asked, Did you remember the question to me to ask it again.

I think it's something along the lines of how do you deal with a bully.

Yes, how do you start building in the world, how do you address bullying in the workplace.

That's well that's a, that's an awesome question and I know that we have, you know, in the workplace. A lot of folks that do do bullying and it could be very subtle it could be very you know out there. But I think the first thing is making sure that you have that culture again where people, you know, want to be there and people start to feel trusted and trustworthy and they trust that the leaders will do something when we bring you know things to their attention. So, from my standpoint, if I was aware of a blurry. You know somebody came to me and said you know hey all this confidential I want you to say anything but you know something's happening over there. I will even let them know that you know that is something that we did not tolerate here is the organization, and that we do need to investigate. And I'm not going to force the person to come forward. However, I'm going to try to help coach them to let them know that you know without them coming and me being able to address that it's going to be very difficult to stop it. Yeah, other things that we can do obviously it's just bringing that to the attention you know through, through training, and again it has to be reflected in our values I mean there's nowhere in our value statement that says we tolerate bullying. 

Right, right. And this is a little bit of a sticky situation but I'm just thinking of a scenario where. A lot of times, HR departments. They're there of course to help the employees but they're also there to protect the company.

Absolutely. And so, if the HR department has a very very tough tough situation, when an employee comes to them. They want to be loyal and help that employee, but they also want to keep the employer out of harm's way. Tell me how do you manage that that's gonna be difficult.

You know it is difficult, and I think again it depends on the leadership, if you have a leader who supports you know being kind in the workplace. You know, and not having, you know, little silos here and there and you know you can talk to this person but don't talk to that person that kind of like those sacred cows. I think it starts there. And if you are able to help employees come forward and just say this is what's happening. I think you're able to address it a little bit faster but if they're not willing to do that, you know, have some type of an ethics line or hotline where you can stay anonymous. You know, I mean I personally don't like that, but sometimes you just have to get it out. And, and sometimes if I know you know who the bully is, you know, I can sit down and have conversations with that person, you know, and maybe not so much in so many words let them know that there's been a complaint against them, but just kind of, you know, feel them out a little bit and get that rapport to where maybe they trust me, to where, then we can you know then start talking about it, but again it's not something that you can solve overnight.

Yeah, unfortunately, and when you're not able to address it directly I think the other disadvantage is it reminds me of an episode on the office where they were having this special training. And the main person who needed the training. He didn't think he needs it. He's like basically ignoring the training. This for everybody else right he's the main culprit. Yeah. So that's gonna be a tough one tough one because that's why it goes back what you said you want to be able to address the actual issue. Otherwise this person may take the training but they may say well I don't need that training. Okay.

Yeah. You know if they're doing any type of bullying behavior there's probably other things that are going on that you can kind of pinpoint to.

Oh, okay.

So maybe you kind of, you know, kind of, chew around the edges and try to find, find something. You know, for example, if you have a bully that's in the workplace, you know, maybe they, you know, have people that you know are assigned to them and those associates end up leaving like within the first 30 6090 days and say, you know, we've had five people here in this role they all left. Oh come on, let's talk about that, you know, kind of like put it on the table so you start to talk about it. Yeah. And so it means gonna be creative and finding ways to to address that.

Now I'm wondering though if most organizations are actually tracking PR manager. I know a lot of organizations do track by department and they do track by company, or maybe by role but are they are they doing it by manager I'm curious. Maybe you can give us your insight and those in the comments. The organization where you are, are metrics done on a per manager basis that you can go back to that person, and be able to have those kind of figures ready. Have you experienced that when have you seen that organizations that I've been at, obviously you know depending on the HR system that you have or the tool that you're using to do assessments. It all depends on the sophistication of the system but more than more than all the positions that I've been at they pretty much allowed you to drill down to the department to the shift to the supervisor or to the manager, so we can really you know get down and dirty into the details. So, in my experience I have that information.

Do you remember your best teacher. Which is your favorite, who's the best teacher you've ever had. When you say teacher as in like elementary school call it, you can frame it however you want. As a teacher you think about our human resources I think my, my mentor is Lexi Schuster. She was someone that kind of took me under her arm and groomed me. I was working at the time in the engineering office, and I was just totally bored, and I went to her office one day and this is you know back then it was called personnel, I'm dating myself. But it was the personnel office, and I went to her and I said hey you guys have any extra projects that I can help you with. And they were giving me little, you know, jobs here and there and one of them was to send out birthday cards, it was like, oh okay I can do that. So you sit there and you dress all the birthday cards, and we would mail them out, and then about two months later. Lexi came to me and she said hey remember that job you did for us. You know, Rhonda said he never got his birthday card. And I said what, and I said no I said to him, I said, as a matter of fact I remembered that he lived on your 235, you know, Nick Nick McDougal lane in Costa Mesa. And she said, What. And I told her again and she went to her office came back and she said you remember that. And I said, I told you I did it. And then from there, she said hey I think you might need to, you know, take a look at personnel. And so I ended up going back to school back to college got my certification and personnel management from UC Irvine. In California, and ever since then, you know, she's just kind of helped me along the way and you know unfortunately she did pass away a couple of years ago. And, but I you know, I still consider her to be my teacher, especially for human resources.

That's a wonderful What a wonderful story and yes

it is. Yeah, and that's what you need to do with with with employees, is you know, find out what their strengths are, use those strengths develop those and help them to reach their highest potential. Absolutely, absolutely. Yeah, so let's go through some of these folks who put in who their best teacher was or any other comments or questions Joe, what do we have.

Yes. So actually, so we have a couple of new people that joined us. We have Ahmed el hamams Ahmed yes I know man yeah he's good to see you, UAE. Yeah.

We have Florence commu come out Oh, hi Florence. Rita MoMA said her fourth grade teacher back in Nigeria was awesome she helped me set the foundation for my academic focus.

Oh, that's great. Good to hear from Rita. It says Dr Mama, she's a doctor of pharmacology. Awesome. and any others.

Yes So Kim Ali said yes, that is a key indicator of poor leadership.

Yeah, people leaving and she's probably the one that people were leaving.

Yes, and then Dr Chad key said hello mr Ponte no and Miss chambers thank you for contributing to this crucial conversation. What is your suggestion for organizations to build values related to cultural competence diversity, equity and inclusion into their leadership slash values.

Oh wow, that's a big one. Maybe that one more time. Okay. What is

your suggestion for organizations to build values related to cultural competence, diversity, equity and inclusion into their leadership slash values. Wow, that's a great question.

It is a great question but my response is, to me it's very simple. And that is to emulate the behavior that you're, that, that you want the rest of the organization to, to exhibit. I say it's simple but it's not easy to do. And again, I think it goes back to the V and love which is values and identify what are those values. Like for me another acronym for me is choices. That's how these are the values that I use and decisions that I make in my life, whether they be at work or personal and they. The word is choices, and the acronym stands for compassion. Humility optimism, integrity, courage, and excellence. And the last is selfless service. So those are the values that I use, and I try to align that with everything that I do, whether it's diversity, whether it's you know inclusion, whether it's benefits, whether it's compensation you know whether it's you know how I treat the neighbor. I mean those are just foundational for me. And I think that's what we need to do in the organization again is establishing what the values are, and then behaving in those ways and and making sure that everything you do is in alignment with that.

You You definitely have the you've earned the title of acronym. Let me give you a little round of applause for that because that is like, oh my god. Where are their math oh man

oh that's true yeah cuz that was from before COVID. Alright so, that was great. So, let's do this. Joe let's, we won't have time to read it, read them but Unless Unless you want to pick certain ones out but let's at least say the names of the people who contributed the best teacher they've ever had. Rena was the only one who okay sorry okay that's read readers then.

That was a fourth grade teacher. Give me the writers. Okay, yeah. Okay, perfect. So I want to make sure we kind of get a ball. Okay, so I have another question for you. I have a question for you, Glenn and those on the comments I want you to answer this question as well. Would you rather live three years in your car while getting the right education and experience to go where you want to go in life, or how sit at a friend's mansion for 20 years with a generous spending allowance, but getting nowhere in any other aspect of your life during that time.

Me, yeah no brainer. I'll do the three years of my car. I mean I'm all about purpose. I'm all about developing my potential. I'm all about selfless service. And I can't do selfless service sitting in a mansion for 20 years. So it's nice that sounds. I'd have to go with three years in my car.

Oh that's that's inspirational right there.

Great question. Wow, I like it I like your answer on that one. Okay. You want you ready for another one. Okay. All right. Would you rather be the last ranked person in an accelerated high school class, or the first rank person in a decelerated high school class.

Wow. Okay, my response would be the first one was accelerated accelerated yes but your last.

Okay. But I'm giving, but I'm mixed accelerated so it's a challenge. I'm accepting the challenge. I took the risk. I made me laugh. But am I, you know, to a point of, you know, 100 points as being, you know number 1am i 98. And everybody else's, 99 and 100, or you know, that's a good way,

not always a bad thing, that is, I love that answer actually very good one. Wow. Okay, so what do you guys say in the comments let me know what you guys think what would you take. I think that's the smarter people already are gonna answer that one Okay, you got me on a roll, you're so good at this, I gotta ask you another one. Okay. Answers already.

Okay, give him give him an answer. Go ahead. I said live in my car. Okay, all right.

Live in her car. Oh, Ava said, God is the greatest teacher. Ah, yes, of course.

I also said I would love to know what happens after those 20 years like do you just get kicked out or.

Well, hopefully you made some good connections somehow. Somebody

Rita says live in her car the three years will surely fly by Ferris also agreed to live in her car. Oh, and then Florence, because I'd asked her earlier where she was signing up from and she says she is from Kenya. Alright. Okay, very good.

Read us said last and accelerated will be very challenging, so I'll take that. And Ferris said the last person in the accelerated class. We got to love this this is great. Yes. Okay. So now let's go let's go here's another one here. Would you rather be given the luxury car of your choice and be pulled over and questioned once a week, or drove a 1979 dots A B Datsun b 210. And, which is just an old vehicle right and be immune to all traffic violations, which ones you rather.

When you read that question. The first thing that came to my mind was my Bentley Continental GT. And I could just picture myself in that if I got pulled over once a week. That would be okay i'd be obeying all the laws so I have nothing to hide. So I think I'd be the first one.

Okay, all right. She's gonna go with the first one. We'll see what folks in the comments. We'll see what you pick do you pick the first option. Were you given the luxury car of your choice but you're pulled over in question once a week. I guess I'll try it depends on where you live to write or drive a 1979 dots and B 210 and be immune to all traffic violations. That would be interesting. Okay. So going back to our discussion here, which I think it was really good we talked about earlier about. This is not what I signed up for. What advice would you give to someone who is in that situation right now. What advice would you give them and then if you want to add to that, what can an organization do if they know that they've just hired someone that they probably kind of misrepresent how things were and they realized that, you know, they probably should have done things a little differently. If you want to just touch on either one of those points I'd be great.

Well I would say what the what the person can do. I think it's very important that they go to their manager and sit down and let them know. You know that things are not working out or things are not appearing to be as they were explained. Now on the flip side, I would expect that the manager, especially with the new person coming on board is going to be doing regular check ins with that person. So they would know that without the person coming to them they would have already, you know, had that conversation with them to see and of course the new employee would have to be, you know, truthful, and not just say Oh, everything is fine. Everything is fine, you know, but it needs to be one of those relationships where the employee and the manager can talk one on one together, and then find out why it's not working, and then see, is it possible that we do something to change it to where it would be a win win for both sides. Now, we have misrepresented ourselves to the associates, and they signed on and we knew that we weren't going to be able to deliver that. I think that needs to be an honest conversation, especially when you acknowledge that I've done this and I probably shouldn't have, you know, said what I said or, or promised what I promise is to, kind of, you know, speak up and say, you know, we told you that we could do this but we're not able to do that and let them know. And if the person says well you know that, that was really important to me and I can no longer work here, then you know definitely respect that and hopefully learn the next time not to misrepresent yourself. That's just, I mean that that's hard for both sides, that's hard for both sides a lot of wasted time. A lot of a lot of wasted money, I mean there's just, it takes so much to hire to actually hire an employee to onboard them, and it's like, why would you do that, you know, right,

right. Yeah, and also right now, there's a little bit of extra added pressure because we're in the middle of a pandemic and some people may be somewhat afraid to venture this, because like you know I took this position. I'm not 100% sure how easy it's gonna find how easy is going to be to find another position right very quickly so maybe I should stick it out so I know folks probably have to gauge that in their decision how they handle it as well would you agree.

Yes, absolutely. It's very scary out there. I'm even surprised that some people who are changing jobs right now. You know, because there's all the uncertainty that's out there, but you know it's it's happening all the time you know positions are getting filled all the time. So, I think people are taking calculated risks. Mm hmm.

Yeah, I think so because you know it's one thing for you to make this decision to change was another thing for them for your employer to make the decision on you, you know, we much rather you know quit a job than to get fired or laid off right right so maybe, maybe some of those folks are saying well I'm gonna take it into my own my own hands. Do we have any more answers Joe. Sorry, what was that any more answers to our last question that we didn't get maybe about the car.

Yes So Rita says she wants to she'd rather be pulled over 52 times a year. That would be a really popular idea Ferris says she loves old model cars and will take the older vehicle and not be annoyed. Caroline also said the older car.

Okay, very good. Okay. We appreciate all your participation today everyone thanks for all your wonderful comments we it's made it to me it's added more energy and depth to the conversation. So we just got to close out Rick we're coming towards the end of our hour here and I want to make sure we give attention to your main mantra which is elevating the human experience in the workplace, through llv, which we've learned what that is, in fact, let me get it back on the screen here, I'm gonna get it back on the screen. leadership. Ownership values and effort. So with that in mind what some things you want us to take away and really remember from this discussion.

Remember that people matter that people make a difference. And people can either make your organization win, or can make your organization lose. And I think one of the things that I find myself, kind of going back to is Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Yes. Yeah, it's the five that five needs and it starts at the very bottom, which is, you know, physiological. And then it goes to safety. When it goes to what love and belonging and you know, as you kind of go up that that triangle, the top the very very top is self actualization. And some people may say well you know what what does that mean for me, it means living in full expression of your authentic self. And so in order for me or anybody else to live in full expression of their authentic self. We have to make sure all these basic needs at the bottom. Yes, so you as a manager or leader, you know say hey you know I want you to work your full potential and get this project. Well if you're not taking care of my physiological needs, you're not paying me Right, right. You're not making sure that I have the proper peepee to go out there my physical safety is at heart you know at risk. I'm probably not going to be up here giving you my fullest potential. care of the basic needs yet.

So true.

Yeah. That's what I would leave people with is just remembering that you know through people, great things can happen. And through people, horrible things can happen. It all depends on the person, and I think it really takes all of us time, you know to make the time to learn about people. What motivates them. You know what turns them on, and help them to to to find ways to live their potential because after all, that's we're on this earth to do is to fully live out this calling that God gave us. So, and I think if we all work together, work as a team and be tolerant of one another, treat each other with dignity and respect and with love. You know, I think we can do lots, we can move mountains.

I love that. That's good. Yeah, that's a good way to close on it is there any comments we need to read off Joe before we sign off here.

One last comment from Ferris that people are the most valuable asset of any organization, therefore take care of your people.

Amen. Absolutely. That's what it's all about. It's really what it's all about and you know I think with this pandemic is as horrible as it is. I think it's gonna start changing a lot of things in the workplace a little bit quicker. I mean, you know, you're reading a lot of articles now talking about you know disruption in the world disruption and healthcare disruption in the workplace. It's real. It's real. And I think the better that we can come together as people are treating each other with dignity and respect, the better. We're going to be. I don't know if you guys have seen anything on the news but the Capitol I guess is under attack. Yeah, yeah. So, it's just you know dealing with stuff like this is a very very volatile time, and people need people need comfort people need to know that you care. People need to know that you're listening and that you see them. You know, wow. Yeah.

Interesting. Yeah, we definitely are in interesting times for sure. Yeah, thanks. Thanks everyone for joining us Glenn I want to thank you, thank you for your time.

Thank you. Yeah, want to have you come back