#livewithrollis Podcast

Organizational Development and Strategy

Rollis Fontenot III Season 1 Episode 14

This episode is from the recent #thursdayroundtable. I  interviewed three senior HR leaders about maintaining engagement during these challenging times, the need for resilience and leader support, and managing change as our organizations adjust and after possible burn out.

With Panelists:
Lesleigh Robertson, SPHR, SHRM-SCP, CDP
Linda Taylor, M.S., ACC
Diana Dean, SPHR

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Rollis Fontenot III:

How can we maintain engagement during these challenging times and Linda, would you like to start us off with that your, um, you know, we, when we talk about engagement during the times that we're in right now. You know, the with the pandemic. We've had to essentially most organizations have had to change the way we do business. We meaning or remote, or there's some type of shifts or some type of pivots that have had to happen. And so, as employees that change likely has been significant and so it engagement can take a hit. And this time, or not. And the key is for leaders is recognizing that this shift might have caused some disruption. Right. And so making sure that there's a connection. As a leader, make sure that you connect with your teams, making sure that you're present, we talked about earlier about 10 or so minutes ago about disconnecting from, you know your mobile device and really being present when you're with your team disconnecting from email and rather than sending that email and chatting that way, click into zoom so you can turn on the video and be face to face. You know, making sure that you're still having that that face to face building those relationships, and we talked about checking in, making sure that in this time, you are checking in with people, because at the end of the day, the question is, is this where I want to be. Is this the work that I want to continue to do, do I feel safe. Am I making a difference. So when we talk about engagement. These are the types of questions that people are asking themselves. And so when you throw in a hole pandemic and us those questions, it can be a little challenging, so more so than ever being transparent building trust as leaders, this is key.

Absolutely. Appreciate that I love that. And then, so now I'm going to also just acknowledge some of the folks who have commented and then we're going to go to our next question here. We have Johnny Lynch who came in. Thank you. Thank you, Johnny for letting us know that you can hear us. We have. Well that's a good Bell oh thank you we have carry on Gallagher. Thank you. Thank you very much for your help, we have Raymond Johnson, thank you for all of you being here we appreciate you being here. And again, those of you who are in HR please make sure you do announce yourself here, let us know where you're signing in from or whatever you'd like us to know about you, as we go through this that's gonna be our active log for those, we're able to issue the PDC the continuing education credits for it also be giving you a code at the end of the end of our discussion. Diana earlier I was talking to you and we're gonna folks we're gonna get those clips together for you at another time where you can see those, but part of what you said struck me and I wanted to ask you about that. Actually all of it did but one in particular. How important is resilience and how can it be improved.
Well you know I think one of the things about resilience is that it's, you know, it's the opposite is that you the negative emotions of fear and anxiety and despair and stress and the helplessness and a lot of a lot of things that people have felt over this pandemic. All those things were down your resilience. See, to actually continue to be mindful to think, to, to react and be flexible. So I think that, you know, one of the reasons it's so important is that your if you don't have it, it kind of hampers your ability to lead well think on your feet, be flexible and respond, the you know which is which are all things that we've needed during this time. So, as far as a leader goes being resilient you know you need to be resilient within yourself, but also, help, help your team become resilient, as well, so that they too can be successful and conquer those, the fear and anxiety that they may be feeling. By being transparent which is what, Linda was saying before with engagement and transparency i think is key during this time period in particular, so that we can connect, so that we can know what's going on with our teammates our colleagues or our team that we lead, so that we can help them, help them up, if they're down or help them by asking you know what can. What do you need from me How can I help in your day to day tasks or your projects. I want you to be able to lean on me How can I be there for you. You know I think those are the questions as leaders we need to, to not forget to ask.

Absolutely, yeah. And there's something else else that you said to within what you were talking about you mentioned about some of the things that we may do in order to keep that resilience.

Yeah, I think, you know, being able to find to be able to recognize your energy level right and and figure out whatever energizes you like walking your dog or spending time with your kids, calling up a colleague or a friend to just chat and while it might seem that we don't have time for those things, I think, not making the time for those things is going to, you know, hamper our ability to be resilient. And so those things I think are critical to be able to find where you can regain some energy.

Yeah, absolutely. And one of the things too that we asked I wanted to ask you in as a follow up to that is you know how much of our whole self is it appropriate to bring to work because, you know, traditionally, there's been certain lines you just may not cross. But what are your current feelings on that,

I think, I think. Lastly me I've mentioned it I too when when someone says, Bring your whole self to work I feel like, Oh, I don't know about that. But I think, I think that this is the time that that we need to do that, because it does connect us, and having that connection. Even if it's things that necessarily aren't work related, it helps us to be able to understand what others are going through particularly for those of us who are working from home, like, you know, like my I'm at my house right now right and so I'm not having that connection and I really miss it.

Yeah, yeah, Linda yeah I wanted to hear your port your port, you'd mentioned this earlier I enjoy that about the wholesale.
Yeah and yeah I was just saying you know when when you invite people to, you know, when people come to work. It's either all or none right you have to bring your wholesale, and especially now people are dealing with things. Perhaps the spouse has lost their job, you know they're down in income, perhaps they can't find childcare, they're frustrated. Perhaps they are if you're in health care you're experiencing. You know more death, and more negative outcomes than you have ever experienced me a lot. It can play wreak havoc on your psyche. So the emotional health the physical health, all of that stuff we don't separate we don't get to say okay I'm going to walk, go home now and I get to leave all of that you know you you take it home you bring it back. And so, we are you know you you bring that whole self that whole person with you, as leaders, we have to recognize that. Right. And so then it is how can I support. That's where the doing comes in, that's where you, you know, providing the resources, providing the, you know, if you have a wellness team or, you know, whatever the program that you have in place making sure that it is available for employees, and this is very different from, you know, where we were pre pandemic. You know, it probably was not kosher to don't bring your whole self and all those trouble with now, it's very hard to separate that and so I think it's really important to recognize that and then to support employees as you know as we enter into this new. This new, you know error new norm that we're in.

Yeah, absolutely. Lastly, I can't wait I can't wait to hear what you have to say on this, which, you know, I have so many thoughts about, about this topic, as it relates to being resilient and these troubled times and what leaders need to do to help employees get to that point you know I'd mentioned earlier before that it's a part of diversity and inclusion, you know, being able to not just recognize those differences but embrace them and welcome them into your organization as it relates to personality and communication style, and the things that are important to you you know we talked about Maslow's hierarchy of needs as HR professionals so we know that coming to work as our true selves is important. We know that right so we have to be able to embrace it and allow people, you know, to really represent right. I think also as a relates to being resilient. These types of troubles, and, and, you know, it's more than a notion, I think that we can help employees, as well as peers and colleagues, because leaders get burnt out as well you know we have to talk about that we are not exempt from this. I think it's important to communicate with employees that it's good to you know focus on things that you can control builds connections where you can even myself, I found myself sharing more personal stories with the person that I report to and my peers than I ever would in any other leadership capacity because you know there's so many different things missing from our social circles. Now, right. And sometimes I think well you know how are they going to react to this, but this is the true authentic meat right so this does help with engagement and connection you find and you learn to learn about things about your peers that help with that relationship building, so important. Another thing I think that's so crucial is knowing when to ask for help and learning to say no, we're taught as professionals that saying I can't and saying no. These are things that you should never do in the workplace, but now more than ever. I think it's important to be able to communicate openly through whatever channel needs to be utilized. When you've reached your thresholds for tolerance, so that people can point you and direct you to a place where you can get help, and much needed support. Oh,

I love that. That's awesome guys if you're just joining in if you're an HR and you want to make sure you get credit for the pdcs, go ahead and sign in that you're here, let's let us know where you're from, and so that way we can make sure we log that in our, in our, our system there. And we'll also give you a code towards the end that you can take to, to know the jury here. I want to ask all of your questions on our panel and I want to ask everyone who's watching. Do you live where you work, or do you work where you live. Do you think they're seeing they're having trouble with the this. The music is really loud, I mean I don't hear it on my end but others are saying that. So if you could just probably just turn it off.

Sure, absolutely. Yeah, see what the cause that might be okay. All right, well, we will, we can definitely stop that, that's for sure. That's a wonderful thing about this technology, I can just make it go away just like that. Okay. And if you can't let me know if that fixes it. Yeah, let me know momentarily if that fixes it Jonathan.

Will do. Will do.

Okay. Yeah guys sorry about that with the sound issue I don't know what the, we had, we had the the sound of the background yesterday work well. So, yeah, you know, I've had some folks that asked me Hey look, can you when you do your broadcast Can you put a little pillow music in there and so yeah we'll give it a shot. We'll do it. If it's causing more problems. It's actually fixing. So we'll see about that. So, I want you to start off with that first Linda, do we live where we work or do we work where we live. We live where we work.

I do work, from your perspective, what do you what do you think, because they seem to be so intertwined right now. In the comments oh you guys ask the same question. Do you think we live where we work, and we work real live what's your, what's your perspective on things today because a lot of us are having to work at home. Do you find yourself.

That's, that's the difficulty in that question is that the separation there. And so I would say I work where I live, you know, and that barely because I will say this, I will say I work where I live, because it is really important to keep, keep things in the proper lane, right. This is work. I have a work area where, you know, it within my home. Right. That is my priority, my home, my family. That's priority. But I am respectful of the time, you know, that is set aside will work. Now in my world, of course that time kind of bleeds over starts and ends a different time Yeah. But, but, you know, but it's important to set those boundaries. But at the end of the day, it's about priorities. I am in my home. And right now, this is where I work, and I as a professional, you know, dedicated to my craft. I make sure that I carve out the time that is needed, but that that is a really good question because that can get really really challenging. Right. Because, as a leader or as employees if we flip that, then we get our priorities mixed up. Right, potentially, so I'll just leave that right there I'll head over to Leslie here tonight Hannah.

Which one do you want to take that one.

You know what, I'll, I'll take this while this is on my mind, and while Linda was talking, I wrote the words I live, where I work, because when I'm working I feel like I'm alive and I'm driving right. Whoo, okay. No, it's like a little double entendre there but seriously it's not healthy because you need to know when to turn things off right. Mm hmm. Sometimes, when we go home and for those of us who were in the office every day as leaders, we're still working. You know how to keep those things siloed and so we preach as HR and l&d professionals, don't forget about wellness and and me time and utilizing PTO remember your total rewards and that we're not doing we're not practicing what we preach right as it relates to that very tricky question, Rollis. I live, where I work.

Okay, really good. Diana Where's What's your thoughts on this, well you know i will say, I don't think I feel like if I was critiquing myself, I would not get a very good grade on the separation of working from, from home. On one hand, I like it because I'm not bringing my work home from the office, because it's all in one spot, because that's what I was doing, pre pandemic. So it has offered me the flexibility, you know, I mentioned to walking my dog earlier you know if I can find some time between 10 and 1030 you know I can do that where I couldn't do it in the office so for me even though I'm, I'm, I'm really challenged with the balance on a day to day basis. I try to find the advantages. You know, part of being resilient trying to get, keep that positivity up. And so while I might be responding to an email like last night at 830. I was able to take a break and visit with a friend for a late lunch, you know, so I'm trying to, you know, that's my way of trying to find the balance. But most days it's a it's a struggle.

Absolutely. Okay, so we have some, we have some input from our audience here. Oh, looks like they must be hearing us either hearing us either that or I'm in the middle of a Will Ferrell anchorman movie.

That's right, where he's like, hear what I'm saying, No, I can't hear you. Are you sure I'm sure I can't, but it seems like you're responding to all of my questions.


I think I think they actually can't hear so okay. Sorry I just had a little comic relief. Alright so Leah says, Both my office, which is both my office is currently my home and my home has become my office disconnecting has become very difficult. Yeah, so true. Carrie, Carrie bizarre brzozowski. Thank you, Carrie. She says, we work where we live. That is why we have to create separation we need the break, to help reduce the risk of burnout and Jonathan completely agrees with Leah, all at one of the questions as a follow up question for for you. And then those in the comments as well. Do you feel we should continue to apologize. When life happens in our workspace, because here we are at work, which were tip we're at home but we're actually working, and a dog barks or one of the kids makes a noise or there's a little bit of a, there's some yard work outside or something like that because we're literally at home. So do you feel like we should acknowledge that in these zoom meetings, or just move on because we all understand we're all working at home, so it's just all but a lot of us are working at home. What are your thoughts on that Leslie Would you like to take that how would you. What we can promise you must be reading my nonverbals I'm about to get all over this one. Oh my goodness, you know, and this in this COVID world that we're living in now where people are working virtually and remotely. You know we have to show a little grace here. Okay, as professionals and understand, you know, just human elements in life. Overall, now in that same vein, you know there's some etiquettes that needs to take place as it relates to putting your best face forward, if you will, virtually and meeting strategically and being professional because that's important, but we need to remember, we're human beings first. Right. And, and we know why we're working, you know and what we need to bring to the table and I think understanding that life goes on literally it's imperative. So let the dark arc, and the children cry in the background, you know, for me it lets me know as a professional again this is an item of diversity and inclusion that you You are a part of something, you know you you there's there's connection there, beyond what you contribute in a professional capacity. So that's my take on it I hope that wasn't too assertive but. Give me a break with the, with the dog in the baby crying. No some compassion.

Yeah. Yeah, we have, we've seen that are I've seen that you know it's almost like we we now know out of our leadership team like who has the dog and who has the children, right. So, I just think that it's it is true you know certainly if I'm not speaking I can hit my phone, you know I could rather I could put my resume on mute when my dog finds the squeaky toy in the background. Right. But sometimes I'm the one speaking, and it's you know and if I'm able to do a transition to somebody else like hey I know that Bob knows that same answer I'm gonna hit mute now and let Bob continue. I mean you know you can just you just kind of have to make light of it and you know and and be flexible and roll with it and I love that that lovely said you know offer grace it's such a it's such a That, to me it's the perfect phrase, you know,

I love that, I love that one. That's so true. Okay, you know what, let me do this with that one because that was, I liked that grace thing. That was good. Good that. Thank you very much for that. That's gonna be our word to somebody over a grace I love that. So Linda what's your take on it.

It listen right before we started my neighbor was mowing and hacksaw, and I just went he was cutting down trees. My husband gracefully he took the dog out so that he wouldn't bark. So, I am team Leslie team Diana on this. Because here's the thing. We are in a different world. Right, the way we operate the way we are functioning as organizations. And we have to we have to ship, we have to make the ship and what comes with that is, I work where I live peace. So, where I live now there are no babies here I have adult daughters but you know where I live, there's a dog, we have neighbors. And so that's right we have to show grace and understanding and lower that judgment bar. Right. Because things happen outside of our control. Yeah, so we'll take the opportunity to say this and Leslie touched on that on this which is the professional, just the etiquette of when we zoom show up in, you know, attire that is presentable look like you were ready for the meeting come prepared. I think that we might get too comfortable because we're in how we roll out a bit. We have our PJs on and our coffee is so now that you know, that's an aware, okay we'll give you the the crying baby and the dog but at least she's ready to work.

Exactly, exactly. Yep, all of that okay so we do have another comment Carrie says I totally agree Leslie, I think it's human nature to apologize for the disruptions but I think we need to realize that we are working in our homes. I think for leaders, it helps to show that you are human. Oh, I love that. That's great. What do you guys think about that.
Yeah, it's so, so, so true I think so, you know, one of the things that just popped in my head that we did at an organization is we thought about what we're seeing like it was so long ago but this time, you know, last year when the when employees children's work, you know we're coming back into the home right we had a full, some people had a full house spouse kids dogs, you know. And so we were concerned about hey do you have computers enough for two kids because maybe you only had one computer and but you've got three children and you know we kept when we did a survey we heard that some of our staff were having to choose which child was going to go to class because of the zoom. Right. And so, you know like, I think, again, it goes back to what we said a moment ago about connecting and asking your employees and saying hey are you okay, what can I do to help workwise anything personal going on that you need more time for flexibility for, I think there's just things are, you know, they're they've become so critical because life is happening, literally all around us. You know, as, as we as leaders are being are leading, and being professional and showing up, you know, hopefully not in our PJs. Right. and, and I think that it just is a matter of really trying to connect and stay connected to what's going on with your team and or your general organization and staff, you know in our HR roles.

Right, absolutely. And then also just amongst us. We're using the zoom chat so feel free if you want to send me a message, send it through the zoom so I can manage it there and I'll be able to see your message I one of the things I do want to follow up to on is how do you think leaders can support, because the speaking of leaders since Kerry mentioned that how do you think leaders can support, whether it's engagement or resilience. What are some things that we can do as leaders or your leaders in your organization can do to help.

Yeah, I'll start with that you know there's I think I'll start if you don't mind I'll stop brought you know in a broad sense as an organization, reaching out and doing a kind of a check in with employees just to see what those needs are, because you don't want to provide a solution, but you don't really know what that what the needs are, right. So, if it's roadshows and listening tours, a quick little survey, you know we all love a good survey, something just to check in check in with the leaders say hey, what is your team meeting at an organizational level, at the leader level, you've heard that you know the cry whatever it is that is needed, making sure that a if you can provide that support, then do that get creative with the meetings, send a letter or an email. Thank you. Right. Recognize more often, because right now people want to feel appreciated. We am sure you guys might agree, we're working harder than ever because things are different. And so we're having to learn new ways of different processes and ways to do things so just showing that extra appreciation. And then if that leader you know as a leader if you can't provide the support pass that on to you know your wellness team, your HR team, which ever team you have on board, who can provide those resources or who can source for those resources, then you know to do that. I think the most important thing, a leader can do is just be there to listen. Right. Listen, and show actively listen and just show that you care by being human, we've set that word over and over just that human side that connection. People want to know that you care especially right now. It's the small things. It's the small things. Yes.
And then a lot of things tell what to ask you guys about as far as development of because that's one of things we want to talk about development of our employees during this time. How important is that would you say, let's talk about internally in the organization. What kind of programs should be in place and then also. Do you also support. Development of your employees outside of the organization maybe being a part of other volunteer organizations. So, Linda, would you like to start us off with that.
Sure. Well, I think development, professional and personal development is essential. at all times and. And I think as a leader, and specifically working in od, you have to make this an integrated and strategic part of how you engage our employees. I think as long as business is going to be ongoing opportunities will still become available for mobility cross training planning for the future. And if your employees are showing up daily to work and contribute whether they are virtually or inside of the organization, we have to continue to find opportunities to keep them engaged and challenged and excited about the work that they're doing. Okay, and so so many of us we know in health care we've got different places where we have opportunities to train on the operation side the clinical side, then you have the HR side and the client side, you know, there are opportunities for employees to constantly be learning and growing in the areas of Diversity and Equity and Inclusion leadership competency development. This is something that we're working on right now as an organization I'm so excited about, you know, helping employees find out what core competencies are needed for their success within the organization. This is something that's very engaging and it's very cost effective. Okay. And so if you're a leader and this is linked to something that is overarching and strategic, it's going to be constant and hopefully consistent and give you a reason to continually and authentically build your team and your employees, finding reasons to have critical conversations about performance and how people can continue to achieve and work better. Yeah, so I think there's so many opportunities for development professionally and personally for those who feel like they are away from home and they have time. You know I think for many that I work with, you know, there's not a lot of free time per se, but still, you've got to make time for that development, you know, there are some wellness initiatives that we're working on for financial wellness and mental wellness and well being and physical. All of these things are a part of a defined strategic rewards and recognition strategy that we do at the hair center we meet regularly to talk about these initiatives so that we're constantly learning how to be better on the professional side and develop personally like that. Now, Leslie hit a lot of different points there, and she was rapidfire well that was amazing Leslie. What areas do you think we should be focusing on let's say we're not, we're not doing any of those things. Diana, from your perspective. What do you think, from here percent What do you think we should start with first she covered a lot of great areas,

I know that was fantastic. I actually made a note of all the three things I love that you know the wellness, financial, mental and physical right because those are the three components so it's, that's, that was great. Diana. Yeah, and I think that, You know, we've focused so much on the, you know, on just the tasks at hand at work and so that really allows our leadership team when we're putting information out, such as that to just change the perspective a bit that there's more here, you know, and if you can, if you can actually, you know, build on those three, then you're going to have a better wholesale showing up, right, and out gosh while you asked me to pick the one I don't, I don't know when I looked all three together I just think that they all have a piece you know kind of like a triangle, if you will, of
the triangle.

Yeah, just the three, you know, three aspects of that it'd be hard to pick one, I guess. If I had to it would be the mental right and we've touched a little bit on that trying to find that balance of resiliency and finding out where you gain your energy. You know what can rejuvenate you so that as a leader you can rejuvenate others. So I guess mental would be my pick but that's a tough, pick.

Yeah. And I don't mean to say that you wouldn't do the other two. Asking which one would you do first right so for your perspective. Which one which one of those three would you be focusing on first, let's say if the slate slate was clean

Yeah, that's a tough question. You know, I would have to, I would say with Diana as well I would, I would go with the mental, because the emotional, he's weak because you have to think about where we are right now. Right. And so what what is the backdrop, by which we're operating in and, you know, our worlds have been twisted and turned a little bit and in some cases turned upside down. And so, you start to think about the change element of that. And so really getting people, you know, teaching people and developing people around you know once required. With our new you know where we are now, right and so we're in a new place. And so as leaders, that means how do we support the emotional side. What is that, you know, we've I think Leslie kind of alluded to it earlier where she said, as an HR professional we try to keep that separate well now as leaders you kind of have to be able to have the crucial conversation so perhaps we bring that on board right. It's also about the emotional intelligence, not you know understanding where I am, my self awareness and where others are. And so now more than ever, when you think about the state that we're in, I think, you know, developing in these core these core competencies in these different areas, especially around emotional support. I think is key because, not just for now, but we think about the long term impact but this time this lot this past year. And right now, we'll have on employees know what's going to be that long term impact so that's why I would say, Take you know the physical is important financial is critically important, but that emotional health and that emotional support is going to be long standing that's long standing.

This is awesome. Okay, now go back to you, Leslie. Let's talk about this ongoing training and development. And you know, because you mentioned it like financial. Let's say it was physical and mental or emotional is that right I catch them all. It's like a little triangle, no no that's that's, I think, Diana made that great point about the triangle, but those are all very important components in developing a strategic wellness program, you know, and keeping employees engaged as a relates for Developmental opportunities I think it's important to work on a calendar that whether it runs fiscally or if it runs concurrent with big initiatives that are going on within your organization such as engagement or any other major things that you're focusing on within your culture, there's opportunities to to schedule training that's intermittent throughout the year that touches employees where they need need it. In terms of professional development, and of course some training can be designed for employees based on their career path. So it's very important to have an open channel of communication with your downline to see the types of things that they're interested in, in terms of mobility on the back end it's good to keep you know your job descriptions updated and have certain audits going on so that you know where the business needs lie and who's contributing to those needs in terms of roles and responsibilities. A lot of these things help to with the assessment and the development of strategic training programs. I'm really excited I just hired an internal talent for our Director of od, and she's been working with me and we've got great plans on working on a calendar, like this so that we can touch all of those parts of the employee, the total person that's what it's all about keeping people engaged and hitting all of those elements that's important to them that personal and professional development, things that improve communication competencies right things that help improve technical competencies like Excel training and things of that nature. It's, but it's most important to know what your employees are interested in and what the business needs. And then you have a marriage between the two. I'm the wrong person to ask these questions because I can talk forever, and I see Diane is nonverbal she's ready to chime in.
I was loving what you were saying

I just, yeah, just keep going.

I'm gonna ask you the same question if the slates clean, and we're starting fresh, where do you start with, because you've got a lot of that you can't start everything at one time right so you talked about a calendar, what would you put on in, you know, middle of February or next or in March, what would be the next thing, if you had a clean slate. Well, give us your advice on that place was that poor is that brew Danner for me that was for Leslie sorry. Okay.

Oh, for me, what would I put on the calendar with a clean slate. Yes. Well, gosh, I think, one of the first things that I would love to do is leadership training, okay because I think right now, if we're going to be so supportive of our talent, we need to make sure that our core competencies are developed as leaders and we know what is identified in terms of important to our culture, and what's going to benefit our employees that emotional intelligence, the resilience, the ability to communicate effectively, knowing your business inside and out so business acumen is important. So these are things that I would make a part of a training program at the beginning of the year than opposed to the end of the year, right, diversity and inclusion, that's a module that would be imperative right now with everything going on and society, we would not be true professionals if we didn't think that those feelings and thoughts and emotions weighed heavily on our employees as they work hard to represent daily in their roles right so we would have an opportunity and an outlet to talk about what that means in a safe professional space, you know, in terms of our commitment to those things.

So what was the first one again, it was, which one you say you do first.

The leadership training trainees I love that. Okay, thank you for that. And then I want to also follow up on change change management, and we're coming on the last third of our discussion so I want to make sure we cover change, and also managing change when a lot of employees may be suffering from burnout. So, let's let's kind of talk about the change piece first Linda Did you have a thought on the best practices on managing change during this time, you know even going off of the last topic of what would we change what will we provide training and development on, you know, many organizations have gone through tremendous change. And so with that change has become, you know, how do we communicate. Now, how do we lead differently. What processes are different. And so when you start to talk about development, you have to look at how did the organization or how does the business change what shifts that we made. And so, what is it that people need to know, because when you start to think about how we manage change and we go through that process. Well, people are aware of what's happened they, they're understanding the why. Now, it is how do we create that knowledge base, so that in our new world. I new organizational round that people are successful, that leaders are successful, that they understand that it's really important to have these, you know exceptional communication skills, understanding how to serve as a liaison between team and the organization. Understanding how, what it means to be a visionary leader, right, what does it mean to articulate the goals to build out and strategic plan, why that's important. Yes, you know, making sure that you know you talk about change, and making sure that people not only understand the change itself, how to do the change why it's important how to do the change but then following up and saying okay we provided this new training and development, we have all these new processes, we need to go back we need to check in, because this is, this has been a you know ship some in some cases a monumental shift. And we want to make sure that we set people up for success. Right.

Yeah. Yeah. Just I want to also if there was a look at the comments there's quite a few have been added. And so I apologize folks for watching. Let me, let me try and catch up here. Before I get into our next point. Leah said says said as the person on zoom meetings with home renovations rolling dogs barking in the background of my internet connection cutting out those, those are all real issues. Carrie says I think as leaders we need to realize that there are times when team members may need to adjust meeting times to decrease, those distractions, so that that makes sense like a mom or dad may need to get her kids on a zoom call, or not be totally present right at 8am. Yeah, those are those are important. And then, ninfa, she says, Dr Escobar has a unique and memorable experience has been watching one of my team members firstborn grew up right in front of the team, watching that happen brought our team closer. Oh, that's interesting. And then, Carrie says you all are making my day same mental well being. That is so my passion leaders are desperate for support but typically not speaking up, that they need the help, because they see it as a weakness. That's wrong. Before we move on to the next point I want to go back to you, Leslie because that's an area where your organization specializes mental health. What is, what are some things that perhaps you've experienced just being a part of that organization that can maybe kind of talk to that what, what's the culture like when what or what's the proper culture we should have when looking at things like, mental health, mental awareness that sort of thing.

Well gosh so many different things come to mind, compassion, a sense of urgency reciprocity patience and understanding. One of the employer branding ideas that my talent acquisition team and myself came up with. Last fall, was a great slogan to advertise so many of our wonderful opportunities to applicants who may be in need of a job, the slogan that I thought about was what what speaks to this culture, very big hearts, brilliant minds. And we're transforming lives, you know, working in behavioral health. So I think you have to understand that that the heart and the mind, it's one when you work in this industry. So, these are things that are very important for leaders, not just leaders but professionals to understand that if you truly care if you're truly sincere and authentic about your employees and how they're feeling and all the different things that may be happening right now during these times, then you need to be authentic about that. That also means understanding your own limits and your own needs to say, I need help. No, not now. I'm sorry, or not today, all of the things that we taught again and yesterday, right, because I'm an old schooler like I love all the traditional ways that I was brought up and the professional workplace. Today, all of those things don't work right now, you know we have to be flexible and show some adaptability. And I think that's one thing that this culture has taught me regardless, you know, working in behavioral health, with the professionals that I work with is flexibility and adaptability as competencies are our key. Awesome. And in this age you know if there was already problems with burnout before, but then now we come up to the time of the pandemic. It seems like that's exacerbated some of these issues and so I know Diana you had some thoughts on this, what are some ways that we can help manage that change and build resilience during a time when many are suffering from burnout.

I think, you know, one of the, one of the key things is to admit it, you know, Leslie had just said, and I know Linda agree and I could see that, you know as leaders, we have this pressure that we think, you know, I, everything has to be okay with me. I am the leader I have to, like, I have to move forward, I, I can't be off the day I can't take time off I can't be sad I can't not enter you know answer that 9pm email. But you can, And so it's a matter of just, I think first just saying, Hey, I'm hitting burnout or I'm in it, or I'm over, up to here, you know, and just admitting that to your not only to yourself but also you know to whom you work for or to your team I mean I know that I said to my own HR team I've said, help, like, I need help, I've said you know what if you need me today I am so far behind in my email, you've got to call me or text me. And you know what I'm going to just put my out of office on tomorrow so I can catch up, because if I don't, Monday, I'm going to be further in the hole. And so just figuring out those things where you have to say, Okay, wait, I gotta hit the pause button, you know, even happened to me today, everything was kind of turned upside down and I scheduled a day and I just called up a couple people and said, I'm sorry I need to cancel our appointment, I need, I need to eat lunch was actually one of my excuses. You know, I mean I just think it's a matter of being realistic and we aren't the only ones that I think are saying and recognizing that that grace is what we need to offer so that other person on the line will give you that grace, those two asks that I had the day of their answer their response was, sure, of course, we'll meet Monday. Yeah, it's just a matter of really knowing that it's okay. And, and being able to take the steps to give yourself some more time to acknowledge that you're burned out and take a day off and refuel take the dog for a walk.

Just like today I mean we. You thought we were, we thought we were having a rating I wish we did have a great conversation. Yeah, can you hear us. That's right. The first 1718 minutes of our discussion was not recorded so I'd appreciate your flexibility of staying on for a few extra minutes just so we can give them their hour that we promised them and I apologize that we had that issue. But Linda from your standpoint, as we're managing this change in a resilience. What are your thoughts on how we do that with mindfulness of the fact that many are perhaps, mentally, I'm not gonna say in stable but they're they're vulnerable at this point because of so many things going on.

 Yeah, you know, I would say, and I was shaking my head so hard when Diana was speaking. It is a part of that is normalizing this conversation. This is different and I know we keep saying that these are different now we're, you know, we we're entering into organizational shifts cultural shifts, and it's not the way it was a you know a year and a half ago. And so, making the effort as leaders as employees as people to normalize the behavior so that there is this willingness to open up because it's not easy to say, I feel stressed, I feel depressed. I feel scared. You know, I feel I'm overly concerned, I feel burden, I feel resentful. It's not easy to say that, especially to the person you report to right so as leaders, making creating this safe place. You know, so that, so that employees can come and express these feelings, because if they're not able to express it, it becomes compressed compressed compressed, and I always say it's like having a bad piece of fruit in the refrigerator, pretty soon you open the door and you go what's that smell, you start to it starts to eat out, right, so you have to pluck that away You have to get rid of that you have to expose that don't allow that fruit to rot. In other words, invite people to share what's bothering them. And you can do it in a way that's safe for you You're like I'm not a counselor, you know I'm not a therapist, you can we go back to that check in, because what you don't want to do is for this to linger and so when we talk about mental and emotional stress, people are feeling, and so it is really important to start to have these conversations, otherwise it will, you know, you know that it will start to creep in and it will impact the business, it will impact productivity, you will see that people you know suddenly, are you know taking sick days, because they're tired. And frankly, they don't want to deal with it. And so you want to make sure that as a leader, you take care of your people. Be proactive, not reactive. In this case, right. It's about you know we talked about emotional health, it is, if I'm not emotionally stable to do my job, I can't do my job. I can drag myself out of the bed if I'm physically tired, but emotionally if I'm over it, and I'm frustrated. I can't do my job. I might you know that's where errors come into play. That's where you talk about in terms of, you know, representing the organization in a good light, I'm not going to be at my best. As a leader, and I know Leslie said this as a leader. Be real Be honest have that person in the organization, find that accountability partner that you can text and say I am not filling it today. I have that group. you know, and we are honest with each other. How are you today, blah, don't shoot. Don't encourage you. Very blah. And that's okay. Yeah. So I think as leaders, it's just about being there recognizing and as an organization providing those resources.

That's awesome. By the way, Leslie carrion says, Leslie snaps, and she says leadership training 100% so she loves your part about leadership training, and she also has a part of ninfa dR Escobar she's she liked the part about emotional intelligence. So definitely lots of good vibes here in the room today Yeah, it's been a great session okay now we did start a little bit late. If we went exactly an hour it would be about another nine minute eight or nine minutes, do you have that. It's okay if you don't do you have that. Sure. Okay. All right, so we'll keep going. One of the other things I wanted to ask about was competency management. That was one of the things that we wanted to kind of speak to, for a little bit or identification, to an organization. So maybe we can touch base on that a bit before you answer I want less than answer this first before you answer that I want everyone who's watching. To give me three words that you would use to describe yourself. Three words you would use to describe yourself. And then I'm going to also ask all of our panelists that. So go ahead and let's go with identification, or, sorry competitors competitive competency management. Leslie. What's your thoughts on that. How important is that it's very important to me as a leader I was listening so many wonderful things that Linda just shared. And I think from a leadership perspective, you know, you've got to understand how you want to lead based on the culture of your organization and your own competencies right if you're going to be transformational or transactional we're trying to eliminate some of those transactional tendencies from an od perspective, you know, do this or you're in trouble. No, no, take your PTO have critical conversations, let me know when you need help. That's transformational, right. So the way that you're able to identify which leader is which is through effective competency management, knowing where their skills and their competencies truly lie, so that you can understand where they need to be. I think it helps to identify with the use of a competency model even the set of competencies that align themselves with your values and your culture and your overarching strategic plan within the organization. So competency management and development is essential in a learning organization. And since this conversation is all about. Od, I mean it's imperative that we talk about competency management and and developing core competencies, but before we develop them. We've got to identify what's important to us. Right. Okay, so what question Did you just ask your audience that tell me three things that, you know, identify yourself what are three words that explain or attributes, based on your personality. That's what competencies are in our world. Okay, what are you leading with your LinkedIn profile. Why do Why should I mobilize you within the organization. Why should you be a strategic contributor on a nine box for succession planning. It's all about the competencies.

Now you said nine bucks. Is that your favorite one, for, for tracking or identifying,
what's one of the tools that I loved and you know definitely when I'm working or when I was working as a consultant is a tool that a lot of the clients loved to use because of that ability to see where your wildcard is in relation to your individual contributor and your strategic leader. This is a great visual opportunity for people to kind of place where their people would go, as it relates to future talent planning, but you can use any tool. But again, the first thing to identify as a baseline is that competency model.

Okay, great, I love it. It's all good. So anything you want to add to that Diana.

Now because it is so key to know your competence, you have to know what's, what's the most important and start there, right, and and i think i think that the thing I would add to that is continuing to go back and look at it right so we've talked about how different this past year has been, it's kind of forced us to go back and say hey what is the key competency. For instance, I think several of us might, you know, work in an organization where they would never have thought this many people could work from home. Well, right, right, where we are right. So it's a it's a matter of real, it's caused us to recognize, oh maybe we can do that maybe we were a little close minded. You know forced us to kind of try it without having it be perfect yet I remember back, you know that in April or May I what I kept saying the individuals as well as other leaders is, this is good enough. Let's go. Because, you know, we had to just kind of push things out there and now we can look at it and say okay now let's go back and say how can we make that good enough a little bit better. You know how. Yeah. Do you think you would have lost a lot if you would have waited till perfect.

Yes, yes, particularly in health, you know, particularly in health care in the things in HR right I'm not talking about the patient care, of course, that has to be, yeah, we can't. Yeah, but I'm just saying that it's, you know, for coming up with a PTO plan, you know, didn't have to be perfect. and we're talking, we're talking PTO so what let's let's let's push this out there we can look at it in six months and reevaluate and that wasn't one of the examples that we did and and you know we've, we've. It worked. What we rolled out there works and we didn't do very much tending to it afterwards so it's a good thing.

Okay, very good. So Linda, did you want to add to that part of go right into your three words that describe yourself, is that

I actually do I want to I want to add just a little bit to the little what Leslie and Diana just shared about the competency development competency management, and I hope that our audience did not miss that little piece where it was Lisa and tie it to your mission your values and your organization that I would add on. What's the identity of your work of the organization, right, what's the leadership culture. What is who it what is it that the organization. What is your value proposition, and then go back and look at your competencies and see if it all aligns right you have your leadership competencies competencies competencies for all employees. Make sure all of that is aligned. That's a really key piece, because if there is you've got the competencies over here and then you're doing something else and there's this wholeness alignment. And then as Diana said you never go back and check to say hey, now that we're post pandemic what ships Do we need to make what competencies, do we need to add because surely we need to add some because we're business looks a little different. I definitely would say, you know, make sure that you not only do the alignment just make sure you go back and check it. All right. All right, now that I got that off my chest. Three words that would describe me who

I should ask my husband that he actually did speaking of family members who are, you know, I would say, yeah, I'm a, I'm a caregiver, you know, I, my desire is to take care of. to listen to, you know, I always have to throw in coach, because that's what I do. And and that is not about solving. That's about listening and helping people get to that resolution.

Oh yeah, I would say, you know, I'm agile, you know, having that ability to help diagnose it is good enough okay now let's go back and revisit and see if we can add to and build on. Because in this time of course that's you know that's a key skill to have. Right in order to survive and into into really to thrive in the role of the, the abbreviation or the acronym, a long time ago I heard is called Can I, which is constant and never ending improvement, like you. You put your best shot out there and you're always looking at making those incremental improvements. 1% a day, eventually equals 100% 100 days right. So, what about you. What are your three words.

I don't know I think this question is a little intrusive.

 Really. Wow. Okay. You know,

I don't want to. I don't want to share my first three words but because I just talked about honesty and transparency and being authentic. Share my three words okay word that I thought of, I know. My first word I is five spacious vivacious Yes, and then expressive. Yes, and analytical.

 Okay. I like them. Yeah, by basically oppressive and analytical Okay, very good. How about yours Diana.

Well, let's see. Um, well so when I wrote it at first I was I said, I'm hopeful decisive, and thankful you know, kind of, kind of, I guess adjectives, you know what I was feeling decisive and thankful I love those. Yeah. What are the chances are you you interviewed all your employees and you probably got mostly all different answers.

Yeah, I think that I think we look at different answers I think you know we just recently did a survey with our service, groups of our staff to as, why, why do they stay. You know why, why, why are you, you know, still here. We're so thankful that you're still here and tell us you know, tell us your story kind of thing. Yeah, and it was, it was not really surprising that there was a lot of consistency in the in the answers it was, it had to confirm some of the things that we were hoping for in HR like I stayed because of my colleagues the mission the vision. Some people said, you know, benefits, some people said, yo allowed me to continue to work. I you know so it's sometimes I think when we you know, I can see on one hand why how it would be different, you know, it definitely gave him this reward question, right. Yeah, but I think with it I think there'd be a thread of consistency to that you could weave through some similarities. Guys, the time has flown by it's we're already at the mark of the hour so thank you very much for your time today. It's been amazing I wish we had more time we wouldn't have you guys come back we'll do another session on organizational development or be fine.

Great, as a great group today and I'm gonna I'm gonna acknowledge you as comments as well. Thank you. I will also give you a code, but I want to at least free my three panelists up because I actually only asked for an hour and we're well over that so thank you for your time. And I'm going to quickly go through the, the, the PVC information, but thank all of you. In fact, let me give you a little round of applause before you leave because you do deserve that. That's that right there were really, this, this, see if we had a crowd that's we'll be doing for you right now, so thank you thank you very much for what you do. Thank you for your health kit for what you do for health care, and thank you what you've just done for us.