#livewithrollis Podcast

The Leadership Process

Rollis Fontenot III Season 1 Episode 16

This episode is from the recent #growthmonday #livewithrollis

Title: Elite Leadership Process

With guest J. Bryan Bennett, MBA, LSSGB, CPA

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Rollis Fontenot III:

All right, well welcome welcome to growth Monday I'm excited about today's show, I got great guests we're gonna talk about the leadership process of not just the leadership process we're talking about the elite leadership process with none other than Brian Bennett So, welcome to the show, Brian.

Hey, thank you. Thank you for inviting me.

Yeah. Glad to have you so folks who are just now signing in, go ahead and let us know where you're signing in from what city what state what country, you know, let us know where you where you're coming from. And then also, let us know. You know, what's your What's your thoughts on leadership is it something that you think needs needs more more of a structure more of a process. Do you feel like leadership is clear. Do you think it's unclear I'd love to hear in any things that you'd want to know because I've got the right guest here, to kind of help to flush all that out. I'd love to hear about what you do too so put in your comments if you don't mind what what is it that you do, because we've got, I know we're going to have different industries is going to be represented throughout this show, so feel free to do that, I'm going to bring up my chat here to make sure that I can see your comments I'm going to pull up my comments as well. And then in just a moment I know Jonathan's gonna he's going to verify if we are actually online. And as he does that I'm going to just double check here on my end.

We are live.

That's fantastic. I love it, I love being alive. Brian.

That's right, I like it.

Yeah, it's like I like to tell people it's a he's it's good to see so well. It's better to be seen and viewed. Right. beats the alternative so that's why I'm glad I'm glad we're both here and we're both alive and glad you guys have joined us. I'm just gonna bring up my chat make sure I can see folks as they are chatting us up here and let us know again what's your, where are you signing in from what city what state what country, and tell us about yourself What is it you do. And tell us why you're here in terms of the leadership spectrum. Are you already a leader Are you an aspiring leader, just looking to kind of see what's involved, we'd love to have you here. Alright so Brian, let's get everything kicked off, tell me about this new program that you have this the elite leadership program, I want you to kind of walk me through it and we know it's a great program folks can look it up later for as far as what it's all entail but give me some of your content as far as what's that process look like for elite leadership.

Okay. Well, it doesn't need to have a background on how I got to the elite leadership. It was based off the way professional elite athletes and Olympic athletes trained for years. You know no matter how good they were, they kept working it. Right. And one thing I noticed was so many leaders, when they get to a certain level in the organization. They think they know everything already. You got to keep leadership is continuously learning process.

That's a good point. Yeah. Okay, let me ask you something. What were some of the athletes you were looking at that you examined when you did this research.

The leaders are the ones that the leaders were the athletes and the athletes, the athletes.

Okay. I looked at Super Bowl champions. Okay, a couple of friends that actually want to listen in Houston who a champion for the bears surface of 40 Niners taught to profile. People like some boxing champions. I have a two time Olympic swimming rowing champion who I've met and, and she's helped me, you know, develop the elite leadership process a little bit more. And so I took what I learned from them that talked to a bunch of in it, but a bunch of leaders good leaders. And so what is your secret sauce. We would make you a good leader. And by analyze almost the answers. I don't give people questions ahead of time. So, they gave me the answers. I knew was something that they actually thought about before, is something that's ingrained and. So, you know, I was in healthcare, so I was talking to people like Toby Cosgrove, who was the CEO of Cleveland Clinic. Yes, and gorder from Scripps, and a lot of his you know his great leaders. And that's how you put together the first book in the second book is gonna be non healthcare specific, but he's still talking about the same process.

Right. Okay, well what was some of the commonalities as you talk to some of those leaders. What's some of the things that come across, I mean it just across the board, anything come to mind.

It is it does you know one of the things I found that that is a really good leaders, the ones that are very humble and very empathetic. You can't lead if you don't understand how the people you're working with, feel, and you can't lead. If you think in yourself, put yourself more than, ahead of everyone else. Yeah, absolutely comes in. Yeah. And it's the people that think you can train to be these things, but you know humility and empathy means you have to have an inside of you. So there's only so much you can do to learn that, but the rest of it has to come from inside.

Oh, okay. So let me ask you this. Whenever you whenever you talk to these different peoples. How do the humility, for example, come out as you having these conversations would help you say oh boy, you know, Toby's you know he's he's humble guy or or whoever this athlete you're talking to. Okay. Well, tell me some of those what are some of the clues.

Well one of the one of the people I interviewed, when I first interviewed was Dr Toby Cosgrove from Cleveland Clinic. And so I had written a book on healthcare analytics before I sent him a copy of it, instead of much of like 10 different people, different copies of the book. And he was the only one who sent me an A personally, a personal note back saying, Brian, thank you for the book. If you need anything else. Please give me this, let me know. Wow, that's a leadership book because Dr Cosgrove. Yeah, I called him, I sent him an email he gave me his email address. I sent him an email. Two days later I got a call from his admin, trying to set up an interview with him. What.


Love that. Two years ago interview with him, and he gave me two days.

Wow, that's awesome. Okay, so I got some folks who are, who are signing in, and I want to just quickly, acknowledge them so I want to welcome you. Thank you, Jonathan, I got Glen chambers. She says hello from Houston currently serving in the healthcare space as a strategic HR business partner she's been on one of my shows too before Brian. She says I help elevate the human experience in the workplace through law that was a great session. I encourage those who haven't watched that one that was a good one about how to, how to elevate the experience human experience to through love, and it's l o v It stands for something it's very cool. Okay. Yeah. And then, let's see. chukka boot trucco buka, hopefully, hopefully I said that right. He's sort of coming from Nigeria. So welcome, and we have Shinae bully hussy dr Hussey Hussey yeah dr bully Hussey, thank you very much for coming in from Riverside, California VP of health strategies CSL we appreciate you being here. Wonderful one so lots of folks who are already chiming in, thank you for being here. And we want to ask you, what what what's clues, do you see in a great leader, what are some of the things that stand out for you So, so far we talked about humility. And you said empathy was the other one. Give me an example of empathy what what's what's an example that you've seen when you did your interviews when it has to do with empathy.

Well one of the things, one of my favorite examples for empathy is, you know, I did this course for. Excuse me for law enforcement officers before. These are chiefs police chiefs and captains and so forth. And what one of the guys that you know we talked about empathy, you know, Brian. I don't know if any of my sergeants are married or not. So what are you gonna do about that. So I'm going to find out you say you should. Cuz you don't want someone having a personal problem at home. Okay, I'm bringing it to work, especially in law enforcement. You know the same thing I talked to military people and the same thing talking about the empathy and how it's important to lead your people. So, you know all this matter of just, you know, how was your weekend. How's your how's your day been going. It doesn't take a whole lot, but you have to have to feel it and have to have to believe it.

Yeah, and you know it kind of helps to humanize it a bit because when you think about a policeman. You know if he's if he or she is having some, some marital issues, it, it can play its way into their, their, their work. So, I can see how that would be important but. So, let's unpack that just for a second. So, okay, when it comes to empathy as a leader, and you see something is going on with a particular person let's we're going to give an example, whether it's a police officer I can also say the same thing with a nurse, registered nurse. You know, that sort of thing. So, when we see something is is off, what would what would a great leader do in that situation what what does that great, what does that great leaders next step to try and address whatever that issue is, well, you know the best step would be just just try to, you know, first of all, first of all, if you're if you're actually an empathetic leader, then you're going to know a little bit about this person ahead of time, but it's if you don't know that. Then the next step is you have to try to find out. And so you said, you know, you know, in an office, I tell people to go sell their desk with them. So, you know, Sydney cube or whatever it is, and talk to them if they can do it in private, or, you know, having to go to lunch with them, they haven't seen you or come to your office and talk to them say hey how's things going with you. You know, you know, hopefully you've got notes about, okay, this person is married yet two kids whatever house a little Johnny doing, how was a soccer game this weekend, whatever, just to get them to start talking to you and hopefully you know they'll, you know. The Verge developed a little bit more that you can help them with.

Yeah, absolutely. I love that. So, walk me through this process it before we walk through the process. I do have a question I wanted to ask my audience here. If you could you can get a stars off on the Brian, then we're going to go into the process. If you could wake up every morning. Open up your bedroom blinds and look up out of a huge glass window at the perfect view, what would that view be well I just about had that and right now I'm in San Diego.

Yes, that's a beautiful place. usually it's sunny and near the mission trails park with the mountains and animals on it and stuff so right across the street from me so I have a pretty nice view. That would be my perfect view is that your perfect one. I like seeing the nature I'm a big nature guy. Okay, in mountains or the water or something like that. That'd be every day I'd love that,

I love it. Okay guys in the comments while we're here, let's make it fun to what would be your perfect view. If you could open up your, your bedroom window. Each morning. It's a huge glass window, and it gives you the perfect view, what would that view be what would that look like good put that in the comments for us. Okay. Now, Brian, I want you to tell us what is the process What's this elite leadership process you're talking about, okay, well there's actually there's five steps to the process. Okay, the first one, you know, I go from first name we go into in depth and each one later on. Sounds good. Okay, the first one is assessing okay it's knowing who you are. Okay. Step number two is vision, you know, putting together leadership vision. Number three is living that vision. Okay, this is how this is my vision now I need to know how long is that every day, execute that every day. And number four is reflection. You know, how did I do, I could have done better those kind of things. Right. And number five is coaching and mentoring, getting that external feedback. And I'll tell you those last two steps are what makes us elite, because you know the elite leaders and elite athletes. They live in those two steps the reflection and coaching. Yeah internal partisan inflection reflection in external our responses the coaching and mentoring, make sense. Okay. All right, so let's uh let's unpack the oh by the way before we before we unpack assessing. GWEN says, Oh she's saying hello to shoelaces. Good to see you from our old stomping grounds miss the Inland Empire okay that's my California. And then, Glen says ocean mountains and beautiful trees. Yep. Now, in your view you've got at least the ocean right.

I got the ocean I've got mountains.

Oh nice, cuz we can have it in a valley here in San Diego.

That's amazing. I love it. Okay, that's great. All right, so let's unpack assess assessing okay so give me what what should that part of the process look like from a leadership perspective. Okay, we do three types of assessments, you know, to help people understand who they are as a person who they are as a leader. So the first assessment we do is a personality assessment. You know we're kind of you know tool agnostic, we will use Myers Briggs, Strength Finders doesn't really matter. We've had we've yet mapping to all of those to our leadership process. So yeah, figure out who you are as who you are as a person, because that's a, That's a big, a big step, knowing who you are because if you can't know who you are, you can't lead anybody else. Right. Right, exactly. Then the next thing we do, we have a leadership impact survey assessment, what do we also do that we've created ourselves, and it's based on questions and based on consumer behavior human behavior analytics and market research, and we help them identify with the leadership things they already have the traits they already, they already have. Okay, then the third one is a peer assessment, where they actually go out to their peers and say, I think I have these, these qualities, what do you think there's a disconnect, then you've got a problem. If you're close, you know that's good but if you have a big disconnect, and you've got a your perception of your leadership is not totally different from the people you're working with.

Got it, okay now this now on this, this gap I'm curious about this. Where have you seen cases where there's been more of a gap Give me an example of one that you've seen more, more often than not where there's a gap between the qualities that they have assessed that they think they have and then when they go to their people. They get something different.

Well, one of the, one of the funny ones that I remember was one of the classes we had said that she thought that she was, you know, very knowledgeable, but no one that she, you talked to. She was knowledgeable.

Okay, I feel sorry for her to be talking about these small groups, right, we're talking about this group, and she wasn't mad about it she was just like oh my gosh I didn't not think I'm not sharing my knowledge, she was knowledgeable she knew what she was doing right.

It wasn't that she wasn't knowledgeable, she wasn't able to communicate to people she worked Yes, okay.

And so that's the that's the key thing you have to, if you think you are one thing and if you're not perceived as that you're not communicating it or you don't have to. This is this could be very profound. This is very interesting to me because I wonder how often we, those of us who are in leadership we think we're one way and we think we're communicating a certain way. But when we actually test it. It's, you know they're not receiving that same message. Right. Right. You know, it reminds me of those who watch my shows, talking about Will Ferrell and anchorman sometimes when he's meeting, he's meeting this his because his new co anchor for the first time. And when she meets her. He says like you know Do you know who I am, you know, she's like, No, I can't say this is why I'm kind of a big deal. I don't know, I don't quite know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal. Yeah. I wonder sometimes we like in our minds we're thinking okay we're thinking, you know, I've got this and that neither in terms of qualities. But when we're talking to the other person they may not be aware of that at all.

That's right. That's right.

So how, what are some suggestions you give after you assess this. Okay. What are some some, do you give suggested to make any changes at that point or do we are we skipping right next to division.

Well, we go through the vision but we say we identify these steps, these gaps. So then when you get to the living part. Okay, that's when you start executing on your leadership vision. And so, you know, we can practice, you know now who's going to have all the good stuff can no one has all the good stuff, right, but you may have compensatory qualities that make up for those things.

Ah, yes. Okay. Yes. Okay. Give me an example of where like, you may not have something that, you know, you would like to have, but you've got something else to compensate for, give me one example that comes to mind, if you don't mind well one one A good example is someone who's, you know, say you're not empathetic enough, you know you shouldn't should on that. If you're a good communicator. You can kind of cover for that too, because then when you're talking to people. You understand, you're good at talking to people and in communicating with people. You may not really be empathetic inside but you know you can get the information you need out of the person that you might be communicating with them, like that, you know, actually I feel like and I tell people this I struggle sometimes with empathy, because I have a, I have a certain process in my mind of what I want to portray to the other person and help them to see. But I sometimes I struggle with empathy. Empathy towards what situation they're in before they can even receive it. Right. And but now I do have the communication skills so sometimes I can cover for it. But that is, I think, I, it makes sense I do lack in that area. Okay I got some more comments here coming in. Okay. One of them is okay so Dr. Julie Hussey. She says she says Caribbean beaches, now I'm with her on that I love. Peaches okay.

I love Caribbean.

I love it, I love it. And then of course she has a couple other folks. Oh, Joanne is talking to Howard Trachtenberg so thank you for joining us to Howard appreciate that. Okay, let's go on with, let's talk about vision here for a bit, so give me some, some of the highlights of the vision part of this process the leadership process.

Well, once you know who you are as a person, as a leader, then you can you can create a vision statement, like a mission statement vision statement, and in the vision statement, you say, Okay, I'm going to use my empathy, my communication skills and so forth to work with my team and do this and X, Y and Z and so forth. Yeah, that's a very important step, but the thing is what most people forget about is, it's just as important to think about what you're not going to do. Okay and your vision statement as opposed to what you're going to do. He has two parts to it.

I guess I gotta give some applause. Let's get some applause on that one. Like this point. It is so true. I don't know if he's doing the clapping right now but I love it because. How many times and I'm guilty of this, I'll get so busy on certain initiatives that I probably should not have been so busy on or doing at all. I mean a big part of leadership is just deciding not to do certain things. Would you agree.

Yep. And that's why, you know, when I tell people when I teach this, you know, I talk about myself. I say you know my vision statement I theater I'm a very empathetic leader. So I get to know my people so I can get the most out of them. Okay. But on the other hand, you know, I will not throw people under the bus in person. I mean in public. You know, so something goes wrong. I'm the leader of the team. I'm leading the company or whatever, whatever I'm leading. It's my responsibility. It's my fault. Yeah, I may talk to Bobby or Susie later on separately and say now How did this happen, how can we prevent it from happening again. But then when outside of our group, our team. It's on me because I'm the leader,

I like that. I like that okay so how many of you in the comments, have a leader. That's like that Do you, do you have a leader can, you can just say yes or no yes or no, no, but do you have a leader like that i'm curious because that's that's a big one that you know if you mess up, they'll take it on themselves. Yep, I messed up, even though it was you, you may have messed up, and then they'll get with you later privately and talk to you. Yes, that's an exceptional leader.

That person is not a fit has does not have a fear of failure. Over and above. I thought I call the go to the wall moments. Yeah. Baseball centerfielder is going out for a flyball. He runs it a wall he's may not he may catch it, you may not.

Yeah, the wall too. Okay. Now, here's something though, I want to just touch on for a second because I was enlightened by this by the president of our company. Her name is Lia Ramsey, she enlightened me on this I didn't realize this, but I sometimes when I would be talking about this, you know about this. Just be willing to try things and do things and that sort of thing. She says sometimes females in the same positions, don't have the same type of freedom to do that because they already feel pressured they may not, it may be one of the few, if not the only woman leader in that position or at that level in the company and they have a fear of failing. And it going not going well, and then they kind of messed it up for not only themselves but anybody else who was a woman leader. So tell me about how do you navigate through that with your course when it comes to female leaders, versus male is, or let's let's take a step further, let's say it's a male leader but let's say they're they're of color, African American or Hispanic, they may feel the same way that you know if I mess up on this deal, I'm gonna mess up not only for myself but everybody else behind me. And so I don't want to mess up so how do you deal with that part of it.

Well, and that's where the you know the later steps with reflection and mentoring Come in, come into play because you need someone to talk to you to help you work through those things. I know there's many times that I've been here that the highest ranking person had a company I was working for, or you know the only one you know in the company. And so I had a lot of pressure on me to, you know, to perform. And I couldn't screw it up, you know like, like you said, I don't want to mess it up, and I couldn't. Sometimes you make you mad you want to say something to him and she said no but that's a that's come out the wrong way.

Yes, yes. I will, I won't go into detail here but I was stuck there was talking with a very high level nurse leader she's CFO of a very large hospital. And one of the executives that was also I believe a physician came in and said something that was racially derogatory in an executive meeting. And every bit of her was wanting to say something back. But she held back because because of all those other things behind it. Yeah, because if she if she lashed back oh well you know that's that's what we expect anyway of her for coming out and saying that. Yeah. But she held back so I think it's I think it's balanced I like what you're what you're sharing on this. Now let's move to. Oh, here we go. I want to make a couple of comments came in here. Glenn says today's leaders are challenged with unlearning a lot in the leadership space. Yes, and Shinae dr buoy Hussey says, My challenge has been the balance between the personal vision, and the vision for your organization or department. Oh, I'm glad you said that okay i wonder, I wanted to ask you about this. Okay. So when I hear vision, a lot of times we think about company like what she's talking about the organization, or the department or the personal vision. So when you say vision whose vision Are you talking about your personal vision your personal vision. Okay.

So, a leader should have a personal vision. They should have an organization division of vision and a department vision.

That's true because, but the one vision you can actually control because your personal vision. Mm hmm you can't control what the company wants to do and you can't show your department if you're not able to primary lead.

Yes, that's a good point. Yeah.

Focus on your vision because that's what's going to make you successful in whatever you're doing.

Okay, so let's say, let's say you you're not you're not the head, yet of the department. Do you just adopt whatever the departments is and then and then you have you have your personal and then you just have whatever the departments division is if there is one where you try to, you know, you try to adapt your personal vision to fit in with the department. Okay, that's one thing about this whole process is adaptable to any leadership situation you're in.

And if they don't line up is that a sign you should be looking for something else, or, or should you start changing your vision some more don't change it you know you can adapt it though. You say like I can still be empathetic, but I got to use it this way as opposed to this way.

Ah, okay all right so your core, the core party vision doesn't change, but you do adapt it maybe use it in different ways for that particular department or organization is that right, because it's a situational leadership, you know, Situational Leadership challenges, you have identified a situation and adapt to it. Oh, yes, we talked about in class too. I like that. Okay. All right, so let's move on. I think we've we've pretty well lined that out so let's look at the living the vision so okay give me some some steps into living the vision.

Okay, there are, see if I can remember them now. There are six tools that we use, you can use for leadership, living there is, you know, observation motivation communication compensation storytelling and social leadership.

Okay. All right so out of all those I think I want to talk about storytelling, so Okay, give me some examples of living the vision, in terms of storytelling, and by the way before you ask that question I want to ask you guys out in the comments. What's something about you that surprises people when they first hear it. Okay, so go for it, Brian. Tell me about storytelling. With storytelling is so important especially nowadays. You know, if you're working with people who are different generations, different cultures, you tell a story, they will remember the story a lot easier if you seem a bunch of numbers, or you've put a mission statement in front of them. You tell them what's the story behind that mission statement. You know, I told you about originally the story about how a Hindu, leadership, you know about the athletes and so forth. People don't remember, as opposed to just talk about, you know, so the leadership.

Yeah, exactly, you know, as soon as you said that was said about the athletes, I was like, okay, all of a sudden they got more interesting to me. Even though maybe everything you could have done without talking to the athletes could have been still been just as good, just as relevant, of course. But then when you, when you put in that thing about the athletes I don't know I kind of felt more connected with it. Those are the comments how did you feel and you heard that like the fact that he not only did it was leaders of organizations, but he also did it with athletes when he came up with this program. Does that make you more interested or less interested or about the same in the program. I'm curious. Alright so, when it comes to storytelling. And by the way, I think I struggle with this. I think I struggle with this because. To give you an example. I was tasked to tell a story about a certain coaching program that we're sorry let's restore a coaching program for helping recruiters to build their own recruiter brand. Okay. And so I did this this video, and it was a 10 minute video. And so I showed it to my team, and my president. She. She gave me some pretty pointed feedback I was like, you just got Did you said you're kind of rambling on this thing I was rambling it wasn't it wasn't interesting enough. It didn't seem like I was getting to the point. And you know when it when it first was the first time was a little, a little rough but I was like you know what she's right. Let me see what I can do to go back and figure out how to make this a little interesting so I'm gonna ask you this, how can we, how can we work on our storytelling, to make it where it's more interesting to the other part because in our mind we might think it's wonderful. My story is great when you, when you actually test it on someone. You may get a totally different story just like we said earlier with what the assessing thing right you, the person thought they had a certain quality, by the time they talk to the other person, they're like yeah we're not getting that. So, give me an idea on the story I'd love to hear some, some good tips on that.

Well, you know the stories storytelling is. It's not hard but it's, it can be challenging. So, as storytelling as like a good movie. Okay, because a good movie. You have to set up. It says, you know, put all the pieces in place and know who the main characters are who's the antagonist protagonist and so forth. Right. And the challenge they face in the middle part of the story Act Two is how they face that challenge. The twist that may come to that and so forth. And then the third part is the payoff or the resolution. So if you think of a story and those three parts those three acts as my son's a screenwriting major, so he's talks about movies and TV shows and acts and stuff. Do you think of it in three those three acts. You know the setup you know the crisis or the challenge. And then the resolution, then you can come up with a real clear story that moves it along.

Yeah, I like that you know yeah there's certain movies I watch, especially you know I hate the character, there's a certain, I'm not gonna think about the country but there's certain, certain movies with a certain country that they always have these twists at the end but it's like not resolved. I'm so used to that. So, if I get to the end of the movie and in the movies not resolved. It's a little frustrating for me. I'm wondering if other folks in the comments. Do you like a twist that's just unresolved, or do you like it to be resolved by the end of the movie because I'm just curious to what folks are gonna say in the comments. Because I feel like from my perspective. I like a resolution so I like what you're saying.

Most people do most people like like having something resolved, especially when you're telling a story. You know, because if they in a resolution, they're not gonna remember the story they're gonna say, you know, I don't know what it means now.

Yeah, okay so we got some comments came in. Okay, so. So Dr Bullock says what if you're the lead. What if you, what if you are the lead of the story. Okay, that's a good question. Yeah. And then, Glenn says, Ask yourself what emotions are you invoking with your story. Is there a call for action.

Because D, depends on the story. You're trying to portray yeah sometimes there's a call for action sometimes it's just, you know, this is, this is how we got to where we are. This is what we're trying to get to and so forth.

Yeah. Okay, so one thing, one way I can use just the story I told earlier, is one of the things that I run across in our industry is that when a recruiter is trying to fill a job with they're not getting folks are applying their thought is well you know what I just got to show it to more people if I show it to more people than more people are going to apply that may not necessarily be the case, it may not be that the offer may not be as good, it may not be strong enough or there may be some issues with the position that you're offering that it just doesn't match up to the marketplace, right, or, or that you may more people may be seeing it but it's the wrong type of audience. Or it may be it's you're talking about stuff that is important to you and that you live but it may not be important to your audience. I've seen that happen quite a bit too and I didn't know this until I started asking the audience. And in this case, whoever we're trying to recruit, what is it, do you want to see that you want to see in a video or what do you want to see in an ad, and when they give me these answers back it's totally different for what's in the posting the posting will be like okay here's our requirements. Here's our company mission, this is what we do and all this kind of stuff. But the candidates like yeah I want to see what are the benefits, what's the pay like, you know, what what's evolved in the job itself, not a copy paste. And looking back at the ads like, ooh, we made all those messes we didn't have any of that stuff they're asking for. So we started going back and changing stuff but I see that happen a lot it's like okay we we just put our stuff out there they're just gonna love it. But that's not necessarily the case.

No. No.

Okay, let's go into the reflection. Give me your best, your best stuff on reflection in this elite leadership nation is so important. You know that's the part that you know you have to look at how did you do. Okay, you know, look at you know I have one of my leaders that I talked to regularly. He says every day before he goes home he's a CEO of a major hospital system. Every day before he goes home he sits in his car and thinks about with the founder of the hospital be proud of what he did today. Oh, I like that one. Okay. Can I get a clap on that one, jazz, I like that right there. He's under the force. Okay, I love that. With the founder of the hospital be proud of what I did today, boy I tell you what, if we ask that, and you can you can change that up in so many different ways you know, oh yeah, oh yeah, yeah. So, and so we tell people to assist leadership encounters you may have, you may have happened to you throughout the day and say, How did I do, or you can do them beforehand, I got one another leader who gets up at five o'clock in the morning each day to reflect on what's happening in her day in her meeting her date, you know, challenging meetings, you know, difficult conversations she may have to have and so forth. And she prepares for them that way. Just walk into the room and says, oh, okay, well, we're gonna do.

Yeah, exactly. Okay, so let me ask you this when we're going back and reflecting and we're seeing some things where. Yeah, we didn't, we didn't. I'm not real proud of what I did today in this area. What do you suggest to do next, do you just kind of note it move on. Is this something that we need to analyze what what's your next step so you suggest we see that's where the, where the process comes in handy, because after you go through the coaching the next step, you have a new assessment. So this is a continuously improving process. So you go back to say okay now this is who I am as a person and as a leader. How can I use that better next time.

Yes, you know like that.

And if Do I need to adapt Do I need to adjust my leadership vision. What tools do I need to use them in the living stage here. So, that's why deflation is unimportant, understand what happened. And then you have to make an action plan and what you need to do to fix the next time.

One of the things that I struggle with is I try and do the thing too many things in one day. And I want to ask you what what do you suggest to your, your students as to how many things they should try and tackle in a particular day so if I want to be putting out a list. How long should that list be generally, would you say,

Oh, about three pages long. Well one of one of my colleagues, put out this thing. I don't know where he got it from. And it's called Big three goals, people have used that and I know, something that I've adopted and use that. And I don't do this formula as I used to. I just put up a list each week and what I need to accomplish that week. Okay, what I focus on two or three things each day. You know, these are things that need to get done today. These are two things that need to get done to the next day and so forth. So I'm not trying to get them all done. You know my list is long, it was probably like your list is, I can't get everything done in a week anyway. Right. I realized that, so I focus on the things that are important to me each week.

Yeah, that's something I definitely would like to work on, just to get a more laser laser focus on my on my week in my activities. Okay, so I have a question for you here I want to, I want to ask you a question and I want to ask the folks in the audience a question. Okay. All right. Would you rather run a marathon with sand in the seat of your shorts or run a marathon while wearing men's dress shoes. Well, I guess dress shoes me yeah I'm asking you that and I want those comments asked the same thing. Would you rather, and I'm gonna we're gonna we're gonna adjust this to two women are men. So would you rather run a marathon with sand in the seat of your shorts or run a marathon, with wearing dress shoes. Okay. Okay, give it a go.

Well, I could probably do it in men's dress shoes. It says hey if I had if I had to wear women's pumps, I think I would, I would just break my ankles on the way.

Yeah, I wouldn't put that on you. So dress dress shoes are the sand the shorts. I do the dress shoes. Okay. Why did you go with the dress shoes because the sand in the shorts would be really kind of irritating. After a while,

I would think so, Yeah, I think I think I'm gonna agree with you on that one. Yeah, I don't know if I'd want to deal with the same that is not going to be a pretty no yeah I'm with you on that one, folks in the comments let me know what you what you would say that. Okay, so let's go back to the last and final step which is the coaching and mentoring part of it.


Let's talk about the coaching and mentoring, what. So let's talk about coaching first. How important is coaching and all of this.

Coaching and Mentoring are very important in two different things too by the way. Yeah, talk them separately. Okay.

Very important, because that's usually your internal feedback. I mean, external feedback, you know, the reflection you do the internal coaching and mentoring gives you the external somebody who's outside, either. It can either work at your company same company you work at and see how you perform directly or somebody who, who doesn't work the same company but who's who's actually interested in your career.

Right. Right. Well, okay. So Brian, I've been asked about this and I'm curious about this. When do you know if the coach should be internal or external to the company you work for because I would think that, in some cases, there may be certain things you may be a little more free to share. If they don't work in the same company, versus. To do so, do you suggest to have a coach inside and outside the company, or make a decision as to one or the other and if so what should you consider.

Well, I look at coaching as looking at as a more short term focused. You know what your next promotion and that kind of stuff. Whereas a mentor is looking at your long term. How do you be, how do you get to B to C suite or something like that. So I so internal coaches can be internal to the organization if you want them to be, that's okay, because they can see how you're doing. Excuse me.

I get a little emotional about this stuff too.

The coach can be somebody who gives you direct feedback on how you perform in the meeting that kind of stuff and so forth. Right. And usually you get a company or organization, you find somebody who takes an interest in you and your career and they give you some good good feedback and advice. But the mentor is is even actually even more important for your long term career growth. Okay. It is a funny story. I was looking at some stuff last week, And I got a call on my phone. And I have pictures of everybody who I are my contacts my phone and put them in there so that when the phone rings I know who it is. Exactly. Okay, and it was my mentor. I known this guy for over 40 years he was the CEO of a Fortune 500 company isn't a cover of Fortune Magazine, and all these things he was a great guy I met him when I came out of graduate school, he was calling me up just to see how I was doing. Wow I'm tired now and you know I wrote about it in my last book and, but it miles him in my new book, and it's like wow it's like in the call me is pretty exciting. Yeah, absolutely. He's still he's a great guy and you know we have a good conversation. And he has family you know, and so, I'm not like it's not like a surrogate and like that. He's just interested in my career and so forth. And when I'm doing yeah absolutely no that's a great feeling to have that. Now, did this person know that they're your mentor Do they know that they have that that label that do they know that or is it one of those things is kind of unofficial kind of thing. And if so, what is your thoughts on that shouldn't be an official mentor, or should there just be people that you connect with and they might not even know that you're their mentor.

Well mentors is usually not is using is not so it's not not self described. Okay, so they don't know you know you don't actually say, will you be my mentor. You know, I've had people ask me that before. Now, I don't mind doing that. But it is usually so this relationship evolves into a mentorship relationship over time. Did you see please give somebody early on in your career. Because as you get older and older and first of all in your career is hard to find somebody who can add value to your career. Ah, that's a good point too. Now did you know when you first met this person as a CEO the s&p 500 company. Did you know early on this person's gone some places, I can see them, or is it kind of a surprise or. Tell me about that.

I had no I just knew he was sharp I knew he was really smart guy he was CEO at the time. And I said, you know, to my knee tonight I told him my background we met at a conference. And I've talked to him after the conference about my background and so forth. He said, Well, give me a call is his lunch some time. And that was the beginning of a beautiful relationship as they say. That's how I left you know we I never I worked for him maybe for a few months at one time. But we have a we kept a relationship over the years. He left the company in the different companies and so forth and not call him up and you know he, we have lunch together every once in a while so forth and it's just, he asked me how I'm doing, you know, what am I doing and you could tell me. You say, Well, that's a good idea Brian but I would try it this way too, huh. Yeah, it was kind of that kind of feedback.

Yeah, and it goes back to what you said earlier about doing the assessing that you do your own self assessment, to some extent, and then you present that out to make sure that that's being communicated or that's seen by who your, your audience is. That's really important that was key. I love that. Okay, so I have another question for you ready. Okay. All right. So, would you okay if you could meet any historical figure, any historical figure. That's not that says no longer alive. Okay, who would you choose and why and I want those in the comments to answer as well if you can meet any historical figure, who would you choose and why.

And that's pretty easy for me I picked Martin Luther King. Ah, okay. I'd love to sit down and talk to him about some things as I consider him a great leader. In fact, in my leadership classes did at the University. He was one of the people we studied. And I think consider him a great leader and this to find out some things that went through his mind, the whys Why did you do this, why did you think about this. Why did you do that, you know, those kind of things.

Yeah, that makes sense you know I was watching an interview, I was watching a show Oh I know what it was. Here I don't know if you know this Harry Belafonte was asked, or invited to be on the Johnny Carson show in 1968. When I mean back then it was, of course, the, the media was very segregated back then so Johnny Carson was it when it comes to like Late Show. Back then, and he was invited because Johnny Carson didn't feel comfortable addressing some of the issues that were going on in 1968. He didn't feel comfortable saying it, you know from his perspective. So he wanted to bring someone on to do it for him, kind of, so he brought on Harry Belafonte and one of his guests that week was Martin Luther King, and he was speaking with Martin Luther King and interviewing him, and the subject about longevity came up because he had been getting into some death threats at that time of course we know he died in 1968 he was murdered. Right. And he says you know I'm not, he's coming to grips with. He comes to grips with something because he says I noticed, I don't know if it was an interview or another of you son knows you don't twitch as much or something like that like what is it that you've that's that's helped you, as, as well as basically when he came to grips with the fact that that he was probably going to. He wasn't like basically come to grips with the death, because he was getting so many death threats that he knew something was going to happen somebody says, You know what, I'm not as concerned as much with longevity as I am with, and maybe someone can fill the blanks but something to the effect of, like meaningful like making this life meaningful impact or something, something like that but it's not I'm not as interested in longevity at this point I'm not concerned about that. I'm concerned about x, maybe someone that comments could help me with that. But I thought was interesting that he you know before he died actually he knew something was coming, he didn't know where Yeah, but he knew something was coming. So, yes, and he was relatively young too. I think he was like in his late 30s, right,

I think so. Things like your speech and Memphis, the night before the night he died, he was talking about going to the mountaintop and so forth there.

Yeah, I saw that speech once. Yeah, it's that's on YouTube if anybody hasn't seen it he actually was like, wow, that's interesting. Okay. Yeah. And then he also that same week. Harry Belafonte interviewed, Robert. Robert Kennedy by Bobby the the brother of Jay, who he hadn't started running yet for president but he I think he was thinking about it, but you know of course he was I think he was assassinated. That same year,

I believe, Sr 68.

Yeah. And he had given a speech, right after I guess about a month after Martin Luther King was, was assassinated and he was trying to talk to the audience and, and they said that whenever hit whenever Harry Belafonte encouraged. Robert Kennedy did to tour some of these areas in the south to help him see it firsthand. From that point on, he became more of an empathetic leader like what you mentioned earlier. So the part which you mentioned earlier about sitting at the desk with them. That was great. Yeah. And I don't know Shawna Shawna Ella has also been on my show she's talked about that same thing being wanting to just kind of step in their shoes, see what they're facing to be a better leader. Okay, so their own natural environment.

Exactly. All right, so what are your, what are your tips that you have and also I want you to tell us if we're interested in learning more about this course and getting involved with the course. I understand you got some kind of special thing for our listeners and I know that, Joanne can can put it, make sure she puts it in here or if you want to place it in here the link to that course you're talking about. But first of all tell us what's one of the main things that we should consider any course and especially your course. With this elite leadership process.

Well, companies that keep in mind is that new people talk about leadership skills. And, you know, everyone has skills but those skills have to be developed. So like an elite athlete or an elite performer or a singer or whatever, you know, they may have a great voice, you know, naturally, but if they don't develop that voice, it doesn't get us to a level where they can become a Grammy Award winning singer or Tony Award, whatever it is. So, you know, our process is based on K, you have so many qualities. Now let's develop those and make them into even better, and keep working. No matter how good you get, you know, Tom Brady did not stop getting better. Okay, he's still winning Super Bowls. Yeah, just because of the way he keeps walking, it's getting better each time.

I love that it's a great play. Yeah. Excellent. Okay, keep going.

So here you have the process, then you have to keep in mind is not a one size fits all. If you talk about the assessments and envisioning and so forth. It's all personalized to that person. So you're not sitting in a class with 40 or 50, people or even online and eyeline programs, sitting and doing the same thing. You do the same things but you're gonna come up with the different conclusions, you build your own personal leadership vision off of that, as opposed to saying that is how you need to lead you know you can't do that because I can't lead like you. You can't lead like me. We're all different.

Right, exactly.

So it has to be personalized, and you have to have that follow up coaching. So we do our programs is we provide, you know, an initial coaching sessions with people, just to get them through the process and help them integrate the concepts that we taught them by either first further sessions with us or we encourage them to get their own coaches and mentors me I don't want to be your code for the rest of your life and you don't want to be coding for the rest of your life, you know let's find somebody who knows you better, who can be your long term coach and mentor. Oh.

Okay very good like this very very balanced approach there. And then so you've got an offer that I think you're going to use just send it to us and Joanne, I'll make sure you have that if you don't have it already, what is the what should we is it it's a particular site which you go to go to our site elite leadership academy.com is in the URL behind me. Okay, and slash HR Maximizer.

Okay, all right, there we go, wow feel special we got it we got a show Maximizer link. So I understand there's some kind of extra discount or something.

Really, we've been doing these online cohorts for a while, mostly with individual courses individual people. Now, we're going back into group courses, and because leadership is more fun you get more out of it when you live with it. Yeah, absolutely. So, these new cohorts, you know they normally run, almost 15 $100, you know with the coaching and the assessments and stuff for your listeners, your followers. We have a special price for the next upcoming covers of March 20 and 23rd is $250.

That's the way that covers our cost. And guys, we don't we're not a participant in that that's it this is straight that discount straight to you guys we're not we're not getting any of that. So feel free and go to that site and take it, take advantage of that special offer if you want to learn more. Feel free and also follow Brian he, we've got his, his him tagged in the post here. So if you want to reach out to him is that okay if they do that reach out to you Do you follow me on LinkedIn Listen, you know, I do a lot of leadership wallpapers out there and so forth. So, appreciate it thank you horses great, it's a great course you know people who've read it. If you refer back to the workbook that they prepared throughout their leadership. Afterwards, yeah that's really helped me out.

Keeps you I guess the thing is collateral that they can they can kind of keep with them and take with them and use.


Okay, so one one quick question for you. And I want I want folks to answer in the comments here. Almost everyone can recall a missed photo opportunity because he or she did not have a camera what moment above all others do you wish you could have caught on film.

Just talking to a friend about this the other day I was at a concert. Several years ago. Prince concert.

Oh wow.

Yeah, and the company I was working for a head of box private box at the stadium. And I was leaving the box and pencils walking up the stairs, right in front of me.

Oh wow.

And I said, that Prince and turn around, and he was gone. as I like Batman he just disappeared onto one of the upstairs boxes. But as I wish I had a camera recommend. I could take a picture with it.

Yeah, absolutely. I think we've all had those moments guys in the comments let me know what you think and what what resonated with you today for anyone in the comments, I'd love to hear what point would kick because we covered a lot, assessing vision living the vision reflection and then coaching and mentoring, what was it, in today's session that really resonate with you, we'd love to hear, hear that back from you on that. Thank you for coming on the show to Brian, keep up your great work. It's been a great session today I know I learned quite a bit today so I think I can speak on behalf of many others that were appreciate the work you're doing and thank you for sharing. Excellent. All right, and she's got okay so Joanne, she's got elite leadership academy.com forward slash Brian Bennett, but it should be Ford slash HR Maximizer Maximizer yeah can you switch it up Joanne if you don't mind that's put it as these forward slash HR Maximizer, so they'll be able to get that special discount you're talking about. Yeah. All right, well let's say bye everyone he gets down for just a second Brian but Bye everyone, thanks for coming on day.