#livewithrollis Podcast

Best Practices for Organizations

Rollis Fontenot III Season 1 Episode 17

This episode is from the recent  #livewithrollis with guest Quint Studer

We talked about positioning your organization and community to attract the best talent as we navigate our path forward!

#livewithrollis EP #159

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I'm really excited about today. This is our first time trying the link in advance and it looks like we are up and going. So everything looks like a systems go here, Quint. Quit. I'm very excited to have Quint Studer on the show. He almost needs no introduction. If you've been in healthcare, unless you've been under a rock for the past 20 years, you definitely know who Quinn is, but I will definitely just say a few highlights about Quint. He is definitely a servant leader. He is definitely one who kind of walks the talk and, and talks the walk he does both.

He's known for things like rounding people people do rounding every day and that has to do with a lot of the train that he's done over the over the years. Quint Studer is the founder of the Studer group, he is the founder of the Studer community, family, sorry, quit community Institute, if I can say that, right. And he's also the author of the busy leaders Handbook, as well as many other books, of which one of his really great books is about communities and building strong communities, which is why I wanted us to talk about that today as well. So welcome to the show, Quint Studer. Thank you, Ross. You know, it's sort of neat. You know, you'll be in Houston, how you get into this space technology right off the bat.

Yeah, well, you know what, hopefully that helps rub off on me being Yes, I love technology. That's, that's really cool. I'm also Jason Ruda. He's already here. I think he knows you. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Port guide. Oh, that's a good thing or a bad thing. But yeah, I've known Jason for a long, long time. Well, those who have questions, feel free to pipe in with any questions, any comments, if you just if you just love Quint and want to say hi, feel free and do that as well, if you have any feedback, but one of the things that I wanted to talk about with you Quinn is right now, things have changed a lot, right between this time last year to now. And we're in the age still trying to get past COVID. I've also noticed, though, that you've done a lot of things moving forward, you've been forward thinking you've given conferences. I want to get some ideas from you based on what you've been talking about. When you're talking about all the different stuff. You've been talking about all these folks from all over the country. What do you think are some of the best practices that organizations and communities need to think about in order to attract the best talent and keep them?

Well, I think Thank you. Rollis. I think I've been very close to healthcare lately. I Bob, yesterday was at a board meeting with trihealth out of Cincinnati, Ohio, on the board of Hazleton, Betty Ford where we went through a new CEO searches. The CEO Mark mission has been tremendous unretired and gic called him up and I said, Mark, I'm so sad, you're retiring? And he said, Well, I'm this old. Again, Oh, my gosh, I'm that old here. And but I'm, I still want to stay on the field until they dragged me off on one of these guys who probably these athletes don't know when to quit because you enjoy so much I enjoy what I do. I think what I look at I really been focused on a couple things. When it comes to communities I've been focused on, don't sit here and sit and pause. Because I think what happened to communities. It's sort of like a NASCAR race. You know, COVID everybody is running around the track. Some are going faster than others. But everybody was moving along the track. And then all sudden COVID is like throwing net, that rain is coming or lightning is coming in the flag goes down. And pretty much everyone went into the pits and that sort of car does that go into the pits. And what we've done is a lot of communities have now paused or slowed down. Now the question is though, as COVID, as you said, moves differently, certainly last and things start opening up, who sat there and just paused and didn't get their range and revved up, don't have a plan to move out. And who's gotten ready to go. So for example, a city who I think has just been really on top of this is Blake, Wisconsin. Beloit, Wisconsin. Diane Hendricks is a real patriarch investor up there could have pulled the plug on a number of projects she was doing. And and even in Indianapolis, where they did bottleworks, which is her company, a big redo of the Coca Cola plant. Many people would have stopped them slow down and she said no, we're gonna keep going. Because when this code ends, we want to let people know that we're still in business. So I think also it communities is really going back to these small businesses who have been struggling and really make sure that you're providing services to them and how to you know, skill building, helping Oh, get back certainly grants we beefed up by steering committee Institute does a lot of training and development to small businesses. We actually beat up our training throughout this whole year, because for some small businesses, he sort of sad but they actually

They had more time to get training, more time to look at their company because what was happening their business. Now on the other side, I think particularly with all businesses, and communities, particularly health care, I've been doing a lot of work Rollis in the area of well, being distressed to trauma. So you know, I love creating tools. So I created a tool, like, you know, when you go to the doctor, the hospital, they say, on a one through 10, where's your pain threshold? And, and, of course, some people, that doesn't matter, they're going to believe you. So if my wife and I went to the doctor with the exact same symptoms, or injuries, they'd say, Rishi, where are you on the one through 10 pain threshold? And she probably say it too. I'd say, Do you have an 11 available somewhere? You know, we have different thresholds. So but but what we do is we let the organization say, Where do you think this organization is? But then I was really lucky on site fair, Amy? Please, the fire chief and decipher Fire Department out there by Houston. Oh, yeah, of course. Yeah, busy leaders handbook. And they are studying. And one of the things that I found out from her is firefighters and emergency medical personnel have this sort of self assessment of where you're at on the stress to trauma deal. And it's a wonderful deal. It's color coded. And you can either be in the thriving, the surviving, the struggling bride can't make it. So what we've been recommending Rollo sees and we've been doing it here it's due to family accompanies every employee sits down with their supervisor in a very safe environment, you'll go over where are you at? I think right now, we've I don't think any particularly healthcare environment has not been in stress. But if you look at stress, and I learned a lot of this from Dr. Mark Olson, Diana handle.

If you look at stress, it's usually short term, you know, it's gonna probably go away when the event goes away, and will probably go back to somewhere like normal, right? If you look at trauma, trauma, it doesn't have to be long term because it can be one one item, my oldest grandson about five years ago was burned over 40% of his body spent a lot of time in a burn center. And now the trauma situation is over. He'll always remember that. Because if every time he looks at his torso, his hands, his arms, or his legs, he's got to understand that he was in a serious burn. So but there's usually also long term trauma. Or if you live in a situation for a long period of time, you can handle it short term, but then you just get exhausted, you get wore out. So I think when I look at where we're at right now, sort of like the earthquake is over, but in any earthquake in I lived through hurricanes, and you know, after Hurricane Rollis, here in Pensacola, Florida.

You know, the next day you look up, you see the damage, there's a gremlin that kicks in, you start getting your chainsaw out, you're trying to get water. So you're trying to find places to live, you're trying to sign food, the neighbors are all loving each other and talking to each other. We're all in this together. But after a while it sort of wears on you and it and I think when you look at what's happening here, so after the adrenaline, it's over, then there's the aftershock. And I think what we have to really be serious about in healthcare is the aftershock. And I was talking to some people today from University of South Indiana, Kevin, who runs the Masters in health care administration program there. We are talking about the fact that you know, we keep talking in health care about resiliency, resiliency, you need to be resilient. I think we're extremely resilient in health care. I think we're almost so resilient, that we're so stoic, and, you know, strong that we don't get help. And there's two things for your listeners to think about. I guarantee you you're their number one or two most prescribed drug for their employees as an anti depressant. It's very common, nothing wrong with that, but it'd be nice if there were other things with it. And probably the least used resource in any healthcare system I know, is the employee assistance program. I was talking to Todd for farkle of Aveiro, who I'm a big fan of and we've talked about he has 2000 employees, and of 200 of them might have breast cancer. They'd be screening may be doing everything. I guarantee you there's more than 200 people that probably are struggling with some mental health issues. And we won't talk about it. There's a stigma. So one of my big messages right now is you we've got to make it safe to share our insights with people. And the beauty about most of the people that are listening to your show, they already worked for good organizations. So they have a benefit plan that covers mental health. They have they have an EAP. So my tool that I've used from the fire department

There's really a way to discuss that and talk about it. Now we also created a tool kit. So it doesn't mean you have to right away, depending on where you're at. So people drop me an email Quint at Quint studer.com. And we'll send them a free toolkit that they can use in their company. So that I know, to a long time into this, but I really think right now, the aftershock. The other thing, I think there's some other things Rollis is one, you have to sort of take time to step back and say, Okay, what what will what will stay the same now, there are certain things that will stay the same, when we put some new tools and techniques in, that will probably stay the same, there are certain things we did, that will now will not be the same. So for example, the COVID unit might not exist anymore, or the fact that so many people had to work in different departments, you know, so so we really have to look at, okay, let's talk about what's going to stay the same even after COVID. And then what's going to not stay the stain, and is that something's going to go back to where they were, or some things that are never going to go back to where they were. So for example, telehealth, I don't think telehealth is going to go away.

I think telehealth is one of those things that are gonna stick. All of a sudden, if you look at what's happened is you know, CVS and Walgreens and a lot of other players have been trying to get into the healthcare marketplace. These these vaccinations have allowed them to get into the healthcare marketplace in a very positive way.

Is that going to continue? I think, I think well, Walmart just is starting their own medical school now in Bentonville, Arkansas. So I think this has also brought in different players in the healthcare arena. And are they were in they just throw the pandemic, or some of them are gonna stick? The third thing I would say Rollis is, you know, I just talked to somebody the other day, and I got a new book coming out the calling, and the person who works with me, says quit every time I do one of your books, I get so busy, I gained 15 pounds. And I'm thinking well, that's not good. But it's sort of like COVID, how many habits have we gotten into that aren't good habits? Ah, yes, yeah, that's true. Families got into good habits. There's families that are playing board games that didn't play board games. So there's some really good habits that formed during COVID. But there's some also some not so good habits. Yeah. So what are we going to do now to get ourselves back a little bit? Sorry, even with our companies, during COVID, we've maybe didn't confront some employees on behavior, because they're going through a lot of COVID, we probably didn't do some things maybe hold people as accountable as we used to, because they're working so hard. We also might have gotten so busy, and we didn't do certain things. So I think we got to really look at, okay, what are the habits that we develop during a pandemic, that are good? Walking, for example, you know, I'm lucky enough to live in Florida. And you know, you got to get outside. I've learned I've walked a lot now. Well, as Should I want to hope that's a good habit. Yeah, I hope. I hope I keep that up. But for certain things, what's it What was the good habits we adopted? Now some of the natural good habits, as you know, I started became an isolationist during the pandemic. Now, when people invite me out, I said, oh, oh, oh, but I'm not used to going out and do I have to go out? Can we eat at home? And, you know, gee, there's a wedding. I thought we don't have to go to weddings anymore.

And just give you the zoom link. Right? Yes. So that and probably the last thing to touch on and then I'll answer your questions, because I know, I'm sort of going quick. But that those are my thoughts, these these four things, is development. Because you know, I'm a huge, huge fan, and you are, I absolutely know, an HR Maximizer is, we're huge fans of developing people. Absolutely. That's why we wake up every day to help people be better.

Well, when this COVID started, you know, you'd hear a company would say, well, Quint, we're going to postpone your talk, we're going to postpone our development, we're going to postpone our training, because of COVID. Now, some have done it virtually. But I think in general, much of the training and development has backed off. And for some of it, well, my gosh, that person's already working six days a week, how can we do this? So I think the best thing, one of the best things you can do to tell people you love them is to invest in their development. So I think the health care players have to come back and say, Okay, we got to get back into development, investing in our people got but it was natural. I'm not saying it was wrong. I'm just saying when you're sitting here trying to staff looking at trihealth you're trying to staff, a hospital, the staff, many of them went back into it.

You know, all of a sudden, I'm the Chief Nurse officer, but I'm also doing nursing shifts. I'm the I'm the CEO of the hospital, but I'm actually here in our community, Don Rudolph was the president of sacred heart was got so you know, she'd been doing vaccine she'd been directing traffic. So, I mean, what I'm saying is many of the executives sort of went back in the linework. So you're not going to do development, you're going to not you don't have the time, the staffing or the resources. But now that this is over, I think we've got to catch back up in our investing in our people. Got it. Okay. No, I love that. So there's a lot of things I want to unpack there. But I also want to just quickly, just congratulate our mutual friend here, Barbara, for getting her promotion to Chief of Staff. So I wanted to give her did you want to say a word before I give her an applause? Yeah. Well, Barbara Scott, we're very fortunate. One of the things I was really smart on years ago is I quit hiring people, because I got a good selector of people. If you look at all these roles I put in, it's to keep me from doing dumb things. Because I made some bad hires. That's why I do pure interviewing. That's why I have words of psychologists to keep me from messing up. So barbus, God came to work for us. And I actually outsourced her hiring to DC Reeves, who worked with me, and all the people. And they hired Barbara. She came here more of an administrative assistant. Then we came our office manager, but she's just DC reads who was chief, my chief of staff has now moved into our chief entrepreneurship officer for our entrepreneur hub here that we started. So Barbara, just without ever being asked or being told, just started stepping up and doing desease job. And then it became really apparent. Well, gee, seems she's doing TC job. Maybe she should have been C's title. And maybe even she should have a little better pay. So she's just a superstar, we're thrilled to have barbers got paint. And by the way, her name is Barbara Scott painting. So we call her Barbara Scott. And I can't tell you how many people compliment me on using her first and last name all the time. And I have to tell them, no, that's her first name. Barbara scopic. She loves you Rollis you've always been great.

I love working with her. She's She's been instrumental, though, folks who are watching. She was instrumental in helping me to get quit on the show. So I want to just give her a quick round of applause. Thank you very much. What you do, Barbara, thank you. Okay. There's a couple of quite a few folks come for come in here on the comments. Now, that tool you mentioned earlier, is that in the book is that in the business leaders? Now because we developed it afterwards, if somebody writes me at Quint, at Quint Studer calm, we will get them everything for free. It's really a neat tool. I mean, you know, I tell people, I'm not an inventor, I'm an imitator. But man, awesomeness hit me. And it's really neat, particularly for healthcare people, because it's actually developed for emergency medical personnel from the fallen firefighters foundation. And we just are going through right now, because I don't like to ever provide or prescribe something. I'm not doing it myself. So right now we're going through with all our employees, we're going through the the grid, and it's sort of neat, they'll say, Well, I'm thriving here, but I am struggling a little bit here. Just sort of really a neat tool and explains everything in a real nice way. Like, I'm not getting sleep now. And you start. I'm nervous about this. And when you move down toward the trauma line, I would call it that is almost like, gee, I'm starting to self medicate now. I'm starting to do things I don't want to do. And then when you get all the way to the to the other line, it's I can't go on any longer than I remember house years ago, walking into the hospital, and a guy was walking out. And I just said, How are you today? And he said, I think I'm going to go kill myself.

And and all we course grabbed him did an intervention on him. But you know, if I'm not walking in that door at that morning, at that time, and he's not walking out. Who knows. So we've, you know, into, to their great credit, health care workers are not whiners. They're not they don't surrender. They don't give up alone. And I think we've got to just change the conversation, healthcare and make it okay to get help. You know, it's pretty interesting because now I'm in my 39th year as a recovering alcoholic, and I talk about that a lot from the stage like you learn and recovering and surrender. And I had a CEO of the hospital Call Me Maybe two months ago and he said, Quentin, I just listened to one of your videotapes, and you're so open about this. I said, Well, I am because people call me and it was I said just last Sunday, a guy in health care, called me and said his mother needed help. What would I run commend. So if people don't know that you've been through it, they're not be going to reach out to you.

in health care, we're not really good at at vulnerability, because people think it's a sign of a weakness. I'll tell you one really bizarre story that people just think I'm a little crazy. But we had a physician or one of the hospitals that get a pretty well known bit of trouble, ended up going into a treatment center for four to five months. And he came out and the community loved him. But the question somebody asked me, Well, you know, he went into treatment, should I go him going to see him? I said, Well, the one thing I can guarantee you is right now he's about as sober as you could possibly be as a physician.

And he's urinate and about three times a week. So one thing I can assure you, he is sober. But we've got to get rid of this judgmental stuff. Yeah.

And so I know I get overboard on this. But I just see too many people in health care that are struggling and suffering. And they're afraid if they ask for help, they'll be seen as less than and it doesn't have to be that way. You know, I applaud you for that fact. Let me just do that for real. Because this is not you're not go overboard. There's a lot. I've talked a lot. A lot of folks this year, this past year, over 100 folks have guests on the show, and it's a recurring theme. They're all hurting. But you're only the second you only the second healthcare leader, to mention that you had that been your background. And I want saw it. So thank you for being willing to do that. I appreciate that.

What I'd like to do is give out a book. So the first person to put in the comments, I want you to spell out the following letters.

It's gonna be quince Quint, qu i n t in the comments. The first one. fact the first three, the first three to do it correctly. Well, we'll receive a copy of the book. Okay, you can just do it in one comment. You got this several. first pick the first three people to do, Quint, I'll make sure and get you get your copy of his book. Okay. One of the things that was mentioned in the comments here, I just want to make sure I don't overlook that.

Leah says she's so excited for this conversation. She appreciate it, appreciates it, and Gwyn says psychological safety is key. Which is thoughts on that? Clint? I think she's absolutely right. I think I have a new book coming out in May called the calling. And it's for people that I think in health care, particularly were called to the job, you know, it's almost it chooses us versus us choosing it. And in there I have one of the chapters is on creating a safe environment for people, which means one where you feel included, when we're eating like you belong, when that you feel you can share. And that's why we sort of like the fact that so for example, working with caravan health, they had everyone you know, they did the one through 10 on where are we at as an organization, and then people can vote online. And at the end, you could see what we have a lot of sevens and eights. You know, we have a lot of fives and sixes, we have some threes and fours. Well, that that that gives them tamma CEO a good idea where we're at. So the first thing I like about it is it told people, the executives recognize this because we're willing to talk about, but then you go to the individual one, which I talked about the toolkit that I mentioned, or the fallen firefighter segment that we're told that we can give them. Now it's a real safe environment. So I did two of these today. And people sort of somewhere else a little bit here. But now I'm back over here, or I'm going through this or sometimes as well, you know, it doesn't have to be COVID. It could be relationship issues, parenting issues, it could be financial issues. And that's why I created the toolkit. Because the toolkit, once you do your self assessment, then the toolkit might have some things that you don't need to maybe have a professional help. You know, you can go to this and learn about here's some exercises you might do. Here's some breathing techniques you might do. Here's some meditation resources. And then of course, a big you know, people forget an EAP can help you find care caregivers for your mother. They can help you find legal practices, they can help you find it's not just on psychologically, I need my own counseling, but it could be right I can help you find find resources and I just have, you know, and that's what I asked the other day I was talking to a CEO, and he said, Well quit. we're rounding

And when we're rounding, I think we put in some really good conversations to get out the mental health situation. I said, that's great. But to see how effective they are, just see if you've increased your EAP utilization.

You know, it's sort of like sort of like missed events, you know, when we got into healthcare, and it was okay to talk about your near misses. Well, what happened is our near misses went way up. Once it became safe to talk about near misses, right? We can't say, Oh, my gosh, we're worse now because our near misses went up. And we said, we now are recognizing near misses so we can put processes and systems and tools and techniques and to reduce them. Same thing with the AP, your AP utilization goes up, it probably means you're creating a safer, more inclusive, more belonging environment. Oh, I love that. I love the fact Gwen she followed up. She said, kudos for Quint creating a safe environment. He's always been a fire starter.

And Dr. Karen Paul, absolutely. psychological safety is critical, especially now, for organizations. And Amy Porter says, I've been going through the book with my entire leadership team, and we're loving it. Oh, congratulations, Amy. That's awesome. Okay, great. So let me ask you this. And I know we're, you're limited on time today. So I'll just kind of help you be able to wrap us up here. Give me your your top two or three things, that actionable things that either an organization or community should do now to unpause. Right. And to get going with where you said first was an inventory. I know that that was awesome. What else would you say beyond the inventory? I think for I think for a community, and I believe this, you know, I'm a big believer in measuring quality of life and communities. I think for a community, you have to be okay with playing small ball. You know, it's not about big projects, it's about doing some things to show that the community is moving forward. I noticed in Janesville, Wisconsin, they did this shop the rock last weekend, you know, in Wisconsin, Nathan shopping anything except shoveling some snow. So they did a thing called there on the rock river shop, the rock, and also the tow people, it's okay to come out, it's okay to do some things course you want to be safe. So you have to let people know you're open for business in your community. And you see, you've got us in small balls. Okay, the problem with many communities, everything's got to be big in a takes forever. No, just like in a workplace. You know, you do these small things that aren't small. If they make a difference, I think I think in the workplace, it truly what we mentioned is truly, you know, these conversations we're having on well being, I think it's the training, the development, you know, I was lucky enough to be at a place my first time speaking in person about three weeks ago, up in Chattanooga, and of course, they made it socially distance, they have people in breakout rooms, but they told people what we're sort of back now we're back training, we're back investing, I think those are really vital things to let the workforce know that that we're moving forward. But also, I think you have to combine moving forward with the well being, because certain people are going to be able to move forward a little quicker than others. And if I'm in a city, where the school has not been at open, I've got a lot of work to do with my kids. Because, you know, we of course are in Florida. And you know, Florida is a little different. We've had a COVID. Yeah, everybody's handled well, definitely. Many of our schools have been back now for a while. Well, as a parent, that's different than if I'm in a community where my kids aren't back at school, because I've got to be really consumed with the G MC app. And I just did up. And I'll finish and I'm really excited about this, I just did a taping of a podcast on how rural health care and rural school districts can work together. And what First of all, you know, if you really look at it, the best thing you can do for a school district, if you're a hospital, is make sure those moms when they leave the hospital understand how to build a brain. And that's what we've been doing here to 13,000 moms before they leave the hospital, because that helps the kid get ready for kindergarten, so you have to help them kindergarten. So if you look at it, if you're a healthcare system or a business, you should know when testings happening at the school district, you should know what's going on. So wouldn't it be neat to send a note to the parents and say, Hey, we understand that this middle school is testing is this week, you know, make sure that you do this, you do that you do this now for us.

Would it make sense if you're a non healthcare provider, the hospital health system is providing you information so you can be providing it to your workforce, and health and wellness. I think we've got to be we're we're sort of commingling with each other. I always tell small little communities small your communities normally don't do a lot of training and develop

And then a small business people, usually the hospital is training their people on how to hire, you know how to communicate? Why can't you offer those same services to small businesses. Because if the small businesses gets better, then you get better. So I think the other thing I'd really like to see is a lot more commingling of resources and realizing, well, if I'm in health care, and I can help my parents, my people, employees, or parents or grandparents do a better job with their child right now. Well, what if you say some of your children haven't been in school, so we're going to provide you a whole bunch of resources for you Even though you know, I'm how to be a teacher. As a parent, I think the other way around, is how to get healthier. We're our companies really focused right now.

We have 107, eight employees on wellness. I mean, we are just all over this right now. I mean, you know, we can hardly go in the stairwell without bumping into a co worker right now. Because it's almost you take if you've got some taken an elevator, you're in trouble. I mean, that that's bad. So I think this is a great time to to, to unite and get together and say, you know, let's be both physically healthy and mentally healthy. Because Raul's leadership is an inside job. And if you don't get your inside, right, you're not going to get your outside. Right. I think for too long. We've been so focused on the outside, we haven't spent enough time helping people on the inside.

That is that is profile like this.

It kind of goes back to the old saying about the rising tide lifts all boats, right? Because if you're helping these parents and grandparents, like you said, it's going to not only make the community better, and your organization better, but everyone in the in the whole area better. I spoke to the third biggest women in real estate conference two Fridays ago. And I Lexis Brolin, who's a real estate superstar had booked me. And we all went in, we had mask and all those things, but people were talking. And I noticed that I noticed that so many young realtors, when I say young, it doesn't mean age, it could mean young in the in the business, right? We're going up to some of the more experienced realtors, because it was it was award ceremony. So I knew I could look on the big screen where they were rotating all the top salespeople and figure out who they were. And and all these agents were going up to these people thanking them for their help thanking them for their coaching. And what really amazed me Rollis is these were agents that might be at this agency thanking a real estate that works at another realtor that works in another agency. Yes. So then at dinner, I got to sit with the group of like the top salespeople. And once again, I noticed these people stopping by to thank them for their help. So I said, I noticed that you guys go out of your way to help others that actually could be a competitor to you. Why do you do that? And Alexis Bolin No wonder she's a superstar said well, because I believe in abundance versus scarcity. And I believe that a culture of abundance, that we're here to grow the pie, not fight over the pie. And Lexus, by the way, they used to advertise, she sold a whole mic every 29 hours, I actually had her come to Baptist Hospital notes here and talk about excellence. But here she is giving away every tool every tip all of them more. And I got that's really hit me I've an article showing up in in the paper this week on you know, you think of scarcity, you think of abundance. So my main message here is, be careful. Because a lot of that is programmed from the time we're little.

We're scarcity thinkers, because we've been raised like that, or we're abundance thinker. But if you go back and what you just said Rollis, as I'm echoing I'm just Will you say in three sacrifice a in 30 minutes, unfortunately for the people?

It is, is why are all these realtors giving away their chips, because their number one priority is not selling real estate. Their number one priority is creating a great community. They create a great community, then they'll sell more real estate. And I think we've got to quit ICT in our community, we sometimes fall into the trap of thinking the pie is finite and just fighting for our slice, instead of saying how do we make this a bigger pie? Yes, yes, that is so true. So that that really helps us to kind of put ever all of this in perspective that the more that we are not just looking not just at our organization, but how can we help the employees of the organization and the community can help everyone full circle. Well, that's why and I'll do some statements. I've never believed in non competes. I never had them in my company. Because why should I limit someone bike from getting a better job in a community where they'd have to move out of the community Now, in order to get a promotion or a job because they have a non compete, non competes have always bothered me, because I think that doesn't go in the thing of, of growing companies and making people helpful. The other thing I knew I'd never sign was an exclusive arrangement, because the goal is to help everyone. And if you sign a booth arrangement, because because you can make a few more bucks, you're not helping everyone in the whole community. And one of the stories I'll never forget, as a hospital wanted us to sign an exclusive. And I just told him, I couldn't do it.

There, one of their executives was in a tragic accident, and was brought to another hospital. Because he was closest to that hospital. He was in a drug induced coma for 42 days, the administrators at the hospital that he was working at, took turns with the family being in the ICU at all times. Now, my question is when your coworker is hurt, and in a hospital that you consider a competitor, how good do you want that hospital to be, you want to be awesome, you want to be awesome. And that's what I tell people all the time. Your goal is to make the world better, your country better, your state better, your community better your organization better. So you have to be willing to be helpful. And that's why I have great respect for doctors. If somebody calls a doctor and college is done, by me, calls an oncologist in Seattle to talk about a patient because he heard that ecologist in Seattle is really having success treating this type of cancer. The Seattle Colleges in Seattle would never say I'm sorry, but that's a trade secret. I can't share that with you. So we can learn a lot from physicians, because they are wonderful at sharing what's working because you know what they put first, the patient, love that. Love that Quint tell you, you're a legend, my man, but at the same time, you're just so relevant. Everything you're talking about is like what's happening right now, not 1520 years ago. And so I applaud you for staying in the game and helping us Thank you. Um, I asked, I asked myself that because you know, April 1, I'm sort of reintroducing myself or at least in healthcare, because I can now go back in full swing on things. And so I asked myself these three questions on you know, one, do I still have passion for healthcare? And I think the answer's yes. Number 2am. I still relevant, or am I like, What is he doing here? I thought he left this place. Am I still relevant? And luckily, through all these wonderful people on LinkedIn and buying books, you helping me be relevant Rollis I'm very grateful. Yeah, I'm still relevant. But then the third thing is, Do I still have tools and techniques that I can develop an offer? Because that's what excites me. And I really think I do. You know, just like the tools and techniques we went through today. So I'm just extremely grateful when I tell in my new book, the calling, I talked about the first two years I couldn't work in health care how depressed I was, didn't realize what an impact would be. And I understood that I accepted it I'm that it's my issue. But man, it was still difficult. I went to therapy. I a backache, stomach aches, headaches, I got SPECT imaging of my brain trying to figure out what's going on. And then some people throw me lifelines. trihealth asked me to be on their board. Hazelden. Betty Ford asked me on their board Cammy asked me on the board, au PHA, making sure I've been speaking to college classes is once a week for a while now all complimentary, and rally shoots throw me over a lifeline by being on your show on a regular basis. So you're one of my lifeline guys. And I really appreciate that, for doing that. I'm humbled by that. I was talking to other people about you today. I was like, This is someone I've admired and watch for many years, and I feel honored that I'm gonna have my third time interviewing him. So thank you. So it's like we helped each other out. So thank you very much for being here today. You're amazing. I definitely want to have you back if you'll come back. Always okay.

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